How I got my Internship

Dart arrow on red dot point. (n.d.). Unsplash

I began my internship search in November 2023, knowing how important it was to have a strong ePortfolio and CV. It took me a few weeks to polish my projects and create an ePortfolio that truly shows my skills in UX/UI and Graphic Design. I used Teal, a blog for professionals, while creating my resume. Teal Resume Builder makes sure that resumes are up to date and compatible with industry standards by frequently updating its features. Streamlining the entire process, the Builder leads users through areas that include contact information, work experience, education, certifications, scholarships and awards, projects, skills, leadership, and interests.

Once I had finished creating  my ePortfolio and resume, I searched for internships on several websites. I started out using Indeed, but I had trouble locating opportunities that fit my main focus. I applied to a number of positions, but I never heard back in some cases and received some rejections. I then made use of LinkedIn. Prioritizing professionalism, I enhanced my LinkedIn profile and started following companies of interest for current or future job opportunities. I used the platform to apply to internships linked to graphic design, but I had difficulty getting accepted. Finally, I looked into Handshake, but unfortunately got nothing.

Eventually, I looked at the COMD Communication Design Internship Coordination Site  posted on the OpenLab website. I had an interview with an agency and was offered the internship, however it did not match my desired focus. I then submitted an application to OpenLab and received an interview invitation. There were three OpenLab’s co-directors who interviewed me. They asked me about my interests and then got into a conversation about my portfolio and how my work has changed over time. They also asked a lot of questions concerning OpenLab and ways to improve it. I think it’s important to do a thorough research on the company before the interview as it can greatly aid in the interview process. I received an email from OpenLab Team the next day confirming my acceptance.

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