Overall Experience

Source: Freepik

Joining OpenLab was an incredibly enriching experience that provided me with a wealth of valuable learning opportunities. One of the most significant improvements I made was in my time management skills, which proved essential for the successful completion of various projects. Through careful planning and prioritization, I was able to meet deadlines and ensure high-quality work.

Effective communication with my mentors and partner played a crucial role in overcoming any challenges I faced. Their guidance and support were instrumental in resolving issues swiftly, allowing us to maintain steady progress. This experience highlighted the importance of teamwork and collaboration, as working closely with others fostered a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect.

Additionally, I gained proficiency in using new software, particularly WordPress, which I utilized for web development and error detection. This hands-on experience enabled me to develop technical skills that are invaluable in today’s digital landscape. I also learned about best practices for accessibility, ensuring that the websites we created were user-friendly and inclusive.

Moreover, working on the OpenLab platform allowed me to explore creative ways to present information and engage with the community. I had the opportunity to create tutorials, customize themes, and test different functionalities, all of which contributed to a deeper understanding of web design and development.

Overall, my time with OpenLab was transformative. It not only enhanced my technical abilities but also taught me essential soft skills like effective communication, teamwork, and time management. The experience was incredibly rewarding, and I am grateful for the knowledge and skills I gained. This journey has undoubtedly prepared me for future professional endeavors, and I look forward to applying what I’ve learned in my career.


Source: Unsplash

Throughout the internship, we were taught to have a strong emphasis on establishing a clear typography hierarchy. This involved meticulously selecting appropriate font sizes, styles, and spacing to enhance overall readability and effectively direct the reader’s focus to crucial information.

Additionally, I faced the challenge of sourcing images for the project, ensuring that all images were copyright-free and properly credited. This required a detailed understanding of image licensing and attribution standards.

As part of the project, I conducted thorough testing on a WordPress website to ensure both functionality and usability. This involved checking various aspects of the website to make sure it operated smoothly and was user-friendly. Furthermore, I focused on identifying and addressing errors related to accessibility. This comprehensive testing included evaluating screen reader compatibility, ensuring smooth keyboard navigation, and verifying compliance with color contrast standards. Each of these elements was crucial in making the website more accessible and user-friendly for all individuals, regardless of their abilities.

My responsibilities

As I started my internship, we were initially assigned simple tasks. We were asked to state our main focus and what we wanted to improve about OpenLab. Based on our responses, we were then grouped into teams of two.

We were assigned to share 10 things we love about OpenLab by creating a buzz. Each of us chose a fun fact and drafted a post for the buzz. For my part, I thought it would be great to include a picture to illustrate the fun fact. Instead of using a random internet picture, I decided to hand-draw CityTech staff and students of different races, religions, and ages to add a personal touch.

Created by Saria Tabassum

As we worked as a team, we were assigned a major project to find accessibility-ready themes. First, we created a Google doc to outline our proposal and then created a timeline to plan our work throughout the internship. If you look on the left, week 4 marked the beginning of our assignment to the major project. From there, my partner and I initiated the process of mapping out our approach and meticulously organizing the timeline, which served as our guide throughout the entire journey.

WordPress App testing was another important task that was assignment to my team only. This program simplifies the login process by providing two simple options: create an account or provide a URL link. After entering my OpenLab ePortfolio link, I was effortlessly transferred to the login screen, where I entered my OpenLab credentials. This easy approach quickly brought me into the dashboard, giving me access to a variety of features such as posts, media, pages, comments, and external settings setup.

This app seems tailor-made for facilitating academic engagement, particularly for students. Its simplicity and straightforward interface make it an ideal platform for quick tasks like posting discussion board questions or commenting on peers’ posts. For someone who prefers typing on their phone for shorter tasks, this app’s mobile friendly design would be a boon. It provides a hassle-free experience for on the go interactions, while still offering functionality for longer compositions when needed. Overall, its user-friendly nature and direct approach make it a valuable tool for students seeking efficient and effective ways to engage with course materials and classmates.

Ethics in Design 2

Source: Freepik

Understanding business ethics and etiquette has significantly enhanced my comprehension of design principles. It has highlighted the importance of being caution when sourcing images online. While I make sure to credit the appropriate sites, I’ve learned the necessity of obtaining proper licenses for unrestricted image usage. This underscores the reality of consequences, as exemplified by instances like Ralph Lauren and POLO.

2a) As a design student, integrating images with proper credits into my projects is imperative for my work integrity. Initially, I encountered challenges in correctly attributing sources, eventually, I have learned the proper way to credit images. Not only have I learned to credit the image origins but also grasped the importance of crediting fellow collaborators within group assignments. Even for the minor contributions, acknowledging and crediting each team member’s work is crucial. This strategy fostered a collaborative atmosphere while simultaneously upholding the norms of justice and equity in team work.

2b) As a designer, I found the Shepard Fairey copyright case to be unjust. His assertion that he had completely altered the original image seemed unfounded, as his artwork closely resembled the photograph. Adhering to ethical guidelines would have involved seeking permission from the original photographer and properly crediting them in his work. Therefore, in my view, Fairey’s actions were misguided. Upon being called out, he should have issued a sincere apology instead of attempting to conceal evidence. This case holds significance for designers as it underscores the repercussions of inadequate crediting and emphasizes the importance of proper attribution in creative work.

Ethics in Design 1

Source: Freepik

1) According to the AIGA Guide on Standards of Professional Practice, “ A professional designer adheres to principles of integrity that demonstrate respect for the profession, for colleagues, clients, audiences or consumers, and society as a whole”. Interns at OpenLab are provided with comprehensive ethical guidance in the design industry from the start. They are taught about workplace etiquette, which provides a solid foundation for their ethical conduct. Interns are expected to remain professional and respectful in any online interactions throughout their internship. They are also expected to be attentive and responsive in communication, strongly seeking and welcoming constructive feedback. This comprehensive strategy ensures that interns have the required skills and values to succeed in the design industry.

1a) Managing the procurement of images and handling trademarks/logos

Working with OpenLab taught the importance of obtaining images ethically and making sure there are no copyright restrictions on them. We were given the responsibility of sharing useful facts about OpenLab on the Buzz as part of a task assigned to every intern. Mentors gave us resources to a variety of sites where we could obtain images that were either free or paid for and that complied with non-copyrighted and fair regulations. They also gave us instructions on proper citation techniques, emphasizing the significance of correctly attributing sources. This demonstrates OpenLab’s dedication to ethics as they carefully educate interns on how to properly source and cite information.

1B) Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement

Interns were not required to sign a nondisclosure agreement (NDA) with OpenLab. We were urged to have open discussions about OpenLab and to help students and faculty navigate their OpenLab sites. It was emphasized that while sharing insights, we must maintain respect and professionalism in order to maintain the image of the company. A key component of a strong work ethic was emphasized: being mindful of what we say and do. Our OpenLab mentors encouraged us to use every resource in the OpenLab system for the blogs and they actively assisted us in blogging about our internships.

Video Tutorial

Creating your own OpenLab ePortfolio can be an enjoyable endeavor until you’re faced with the task of selecting a theme that truly resonates with your preferences. With such a wide array of themes available on OpenLab, catering to diverse tastes and styles, the abundance of choices can sometimes lead to frustration. Despite the variety, finding a theme that aligns perfectly with your desired colors and design elements can be challenging. Additionally, not everyone possesses the skills to customize a theme within a short span of five minutes.

In this YouTube tutorial video, I demonstrated the simplest method to customize your theme, covering everything from the title to adding GIFs. Many individuals were unaware that they could incorporate their own animations as background images, prompting us to create a brief and straightforward tutorial for everyone to personalize their themes. Furthermore, viewers learned how to modify the theme’s color scheme to suit their preferences. I also showcased a faster approach to editing the menu bar and provided guidance on creating subpages, as this process can often be perplexing.

Theme Testing

During my internship experience, we were grouped into teams of two. We were given the opportunity to express our preferences regarding the topics of the internship assignments. Our mentor then paired us up based on our shared interests, ensuring that each team consisted of two individuals with similar interests.

I was assigned my partner, who is also a COMD student and has experience in web development. My partner and I were assigned with conducting accessibility testing for new themes for OpenLab. We received a variety of resources guiding us to the links necessary for the testing process. Utilizing a WordPress site, we identified themes that we found suitable for beginners and accessible for OpenLab.

Exploring new themes was an enjoyable yet daunting task, as we encountered numerous options that didn’t meet the accessibility standards required for OpenLab. With access to CBox OpenLab, my partner and I downloaded the themes for testing. We diligently documented our findings on spreadsheet of the OpenLab developer. Upon identifying potentially suitable themes, we notified Bree to download them onto the OpenLab development site for further testing. After thorough examination, we narrowed our selection down to three themes. However, one of the themes hadn’t received updates since 2022, prompting us to discard it. Eventually, we settled on two new themes. I tested one, dated 2024, while my partner tested Astra which is available in OpenLab now.

Engaging with the backend of a website was entirely new for me but it provided me with invaluable knowledge. However, this was a really instructive experience. Despite my initial lack of expertise, my partner provided invaluable support and guidance throughout our endeavor. We maintained constant communication, which allowed us to support one another with ease during the testing process. I’m truly grateful for my partner’s patience and unwavering assistance.

About the Organization

Source: Freepik

What is OpenLab

OpenLab City Tech serves as a dedicated platform exclusively designed for City Tech students, staff, professors, and anyone who is interested. It provides a space where users can create projects and invite collaborators. Professors frequently use OpenLab for posting assignments, discussion board questions, and other academic content, while students can conveniently submit their work in the designated place.

Users have the opportunity to create personalized ePortfolios to showcase a variety of content, including projects, research papers, journals, and more. Privacy settings can be adjusted to keep content private or share it with the public, offering flexibility and control over personal contributions.

What I learned

Working with OpenLab helped me to gain valuable insights into its user-friendly interface and functionality. Recognizing the ease of navigation and utilization, our objective is to extend this accessibility to fellow students. As interns, we are dedicated to enhancing the user experience and simplifying the utilization of OpenLab. Our mission is to empower students with the tools and knowledge to leverage OpenLab effectively, making a more smooth and productive academic environment for everyone.

Our main tasks:

One of our main goal was to create a strong ePortfolio that could serve as a source of inspiration for students. Our objective is to encourage them to use the OpenLab ePortfolio to showcase their work. Everyone at City Tech can join the OpenLab students, faculty, staff, and alums. On the OpenLab, everyone can create, experiment, innovate, and share with the larger community.

Throughout my internship, we relied on Asana for communication and task assignment. While I hadn’t previously used Asana, my familiarity with a similar platform, Trello, made the transition seamless. Each task category had a different name: “Questions” for questions about our work, “Resources” for sharing useful information, “To Do” for tasks to be done during the internship, and “In Progress” for ongoing work. Asana helped us organize our workflow, collaborate more efficiently, and respond quickly to any questions we had. It helped us have a more structured and effective internship experience.

How I got my Internship

Dart arrow on red dot point. (n.d.). Unsplash

I began my internship search in November 2023, knowing how important it was to have a strong ePortfolio and CV. It took me a few weeks to polish my projects and create an ePortfolio that truly shows my skills in UX/UI and Graphic Design. I used Teal, a blog for professionals, while creating my resume. Teal Resume Builder makes sure that resumes are up to date and compatible with industry standards by frequently updating its features. Streamlining the entire process, the Builder leads users through areas that include contact information, work experience, education, certifications, scholarships and awards, projects, skills, leadership, and interests.

Once I had finished creating  my ePortfolio and resume, I searched for internships on several websites. I started out using Indeed, but I had trouble locating opportunities that fit my main focus. I applied to a number of positions, but I never heard back in some cases and received some rejections. I then made use of LinkedIn. Prioritizing professionalism, I enhanced my LinkedIn profile and started following companies of interest for current or future job opportunities. I used the platform to apply to internships linked to graphic design, but I had difficulty getting accepted. Finally, I looked into Handshake, but unfortunately got nothing.

Eventually, I looked at the COMD Communication Design Internship Coordination Site  posted on the OpenLab website. I had an interview with an agency and was offered the internship, however it did not match my desired focus. I then submitted an application to OpenLab and received an interview invitation. There were three OpenLab’s co-directors who interviewed me. They asked me about my interests and then got into a conversation about my portfolio and how my work has changed over time. They also asked a lot of questions concerning OpenLab and ways to improve it. I think it’s important to do a thorough research on the company before the interview as it can greatly aid in the interview process. I received an email from OpenLab Team the next day confirming my acceptance.

Team Work

Source: Freepik

Throughout the duration of the internship, I was consistently paired with my partner from the very beginning. This experience provided me with valuable insights into the dynamics of teamwork. Our weekly Zoom meetings served as a pivotal platform where we diligently shared our progress updates and addressed any challenges encountered along the way. As a cohesive team, we collectively brainstormed solutions to overcome obstacles, fostering a collaborative environment where mutual support and assistance were readily available. Additionally, our collaborative extended beyond our immediate team, as interns from other groups felt comfortable seeking guidance and assistance when needed. Conversely, we also didn’t hesitate to reach out to others for help whenever required. This collaborative approach not only enhanced our individual learning experiences but also strengthened the overall effectiveness of the internship program.

Back to my partner, I found myself navigating through a maze of confusion during our main project, particularly because I lacked prior experience in working on the backend of a website. Fortunately, my partner, who has expertise in web development, proved to be an invaluable resource during this challenging time. Patiently, he guided me through the intricacies of testing themes, demonstrating how to identify errors, and generously offering assistance whenever I encountered hurdles. Together, we strategized and divided our tasks, with each of us exploring and testing different themes, thereby broadening our collective understanding and contributing to the project’s success. This collaborative effort not only facilitated my learning process but also highlighted the importance of teamwork and knowledge sharing in achieving our objectives.