Journal I

Salwa Syed


Prof. Cipriani

September 17, 2015

The Lady or the Tiger Continued

The time of the decision arrives as soon as the barbaric princess makes a swift movement of her finger to the right which is only seen by her lover but little did she know the changes, the king had made to the arena. She had to choose between her brutal barbaric nature and her love for her lover. As soon as the lover goes to open the door at the right the princess notices a faint smile on the face of her father, that instantly makes her regret her decision and realizes the amount of danger her lover is in.

She swiftly stands up to stop the him from opening the door but fails and a huge creature that no one has ever seen emerges it’s an enormous tiger with three heads and one body with a dozen of more tigers which are half the size of the three headed beast.  Their huge teeth has saliva dripping from them that is ruining the arenas floor, which also shows how long they have been starving. Suddenly the three headed beast waggle’s its tail and the door on the left opens; while everyone is busy looking at the horrid creature the lover looks at his princess and sees tears in her eyes which melts his anger in seconds; their love was true.

The lover soon realizes that there has been no movement inside the left room so he tries to escape from the arena by entering he left door,  but he is interrupted by a tiger which stands in front of him ready to devour him.  The three headed beast notices this movement and with one blow of its hand he throws the tiger out the arena.  In that movement the lover runs and escapes by entering and locking the left door behind him.  As the beast notices this change of events he raises his heads to roars and notices the audience watching; the beast jumps and lands where the audience were sitting which makes huge fuss as everyone tries to escape. The king realizes his mistake of setting free such a horrid creature and orders the best soldiers to capture the creature and turns around to find the princesses missing. Soon the king notices the lover was gone too, that made him conclude they might have gone together, he calls a searching team to find the lover and the princesses. The tigers surround the arena and the soldiers surround the king to protect his life, which stops them from searching the princess and her lover.

Meanwhile, princess and her lover take a boat and arrive to a hut on the island opposite to their home. There they find an old lady cooking food and ask her for shelter as the rain was heavy. She provides them shelter and gets them food. Soon they hear a roar and hurry near to the beach to find the tigers surrounding the island they left. Confirming the death of their villagers. The old lady is curious and asks them what had happen on the island, the lover and the princess begin to tell the incident, as soon as the lover comes to the part of the decision of the right door is princess looks sad and tells the lover that she did not know about the changes made to the arena and the lover responds that he had guessed it by her look and continues that when he had entered into the left door he was shocked to find the left and right rooms were attached. If he had even opened the left door the same result would have been achieved.

Later, the princess and the lover were married and were settled in the old lady’s home.