Category Archives: CET

SNAP Availability for CUNY Students

Due to a New York State policy change, thousands of CUNY students enrolled in a specific career and technical education (CTE) programs are now eligible to apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). As of October 16, 2020, students attending an institution of higher education (such as CUNY) at least half-time, and enrolled in qualifying career and technical education programs of study can now apply for SNAP.

EMT/CET Peer Advisement 2:00pm โ€“ 5:00pm TODAY (11/4/20): CLOSED

EMT/CET PEER ADVISING TODAY โ€“ 11/4/20 (Wednesday)

With: Warren Hunter

Status: Closed

Next session information:

Monday (11/9/20) 2:00pm โ€“ 5:00pm


Skype ID: warrenhunternyc

Discord: Thufir_Hawat#8206 (PPA Server Invite:

If you have a lab or other handout that you need help with, please take a picture and email it to me as well before the next session.

EMT/CET Peer Advisement 2:00pm โ€“ 5:00pm TODAY (11/4/20): OPEN

EMT/CET PEER ADVISING TODAY โ€“ 11/4/20 (Wednesday)

With: Warren Hunter

Status: Open

Current session information: 2:00pm โ€“ 5:00pm


Skype ID: warrenhunternyc

Discord: Thufir_Hawat#8206 (PPA Server Invite:

Please feel free to post questions as comments, or email, Skype or Discord me. If you have a lab or other handout that you need help with, please take a picture and email it to me as well.

EMT/CET Peer Advisement 2:00pm โ€“ 5:00pm TODAY (11/2/20): CLOSED

EMT/CET PEER ADVISING TODAY โ€“ 11/2/20 (Monday)

With: Warren Hunter

Status: Closed

Next session information:

Monday (11/4/20) 2:00pm โ€“ 5:00pm


Skype ID: warrenhunternyc

Discord: Thufir_Hawat#8206 (PPA Server Invite:

If you have a lab or other handout that you need help with, please take a picture and email it to me as well before the next session.

EMT/CET Peer Advisement 2:00pm โ€“ 5:00pm TODAY (11/2/20): OPEN

EMT/CET PEER ADVISING TODAY โ€“ 11/2/20 (Monday)

With: Warren Hunter

Status: Open

Current session information: 2:00pm โ€“ 5:00pm


Skype ID: warrenhunternyc

Discord: Thufir_Hawat#8206 (PPA Server Invite:

Please feel free to post questions as comments, or email, Skype or Discord me. If you have a lab or other handout that you need help with, please take a picture and email it to me as well.