Daily Archives: June 4, 2021

CMCE Peer-Advisement 07:00 PM to 10:00PM TODAY (06/04/21) OPEN

CMCE Peer-Advisement TODAY – 06/06/21 (Friday)

With: Tasnia Hossain

Status: Open

Current session information: 07:00 PM to 10:00PM

Skype ID: live:.cid.141f0bfcc8abccbe or search by email: tasnia.hossain1997@gmail.com

Hello, Hope you guys are doing well. Feel free to post any questions as comments to this post! And I’m also available for questions by email. Please use the above email address. (When you email me please give me your EMPLID and attach a picture of whatever you want to work on.)

CST Peer-Advisement Today – 6/4/2021 (Friday) CLOSED

CST Peer-Advisement Today – 6/4/2021 (Friday)
With: Mustapha Bouchaqour
Status: Closed
Course Session Information: 10am – 1pm.
Skype ID: Skype name: live:mustapha.bouchaqour. To join the SKYPE: https://join.skype.com/invite/rDkkw6Twehzp
Emails: You can email me anytime: mustaphabouchaqour1@gmail.com
To ensure a more dynamic and efficient session, please set up an appointment with me by sending me an email or text me at 646-431-3511.
Thank you.

CST Peer-Advisement Today – 6/4/2021 (Friday) OPEN

CST Peer-Advisement Today – 6/4/2021 (Friday)
With: Mustapha Bouchaqour
Status: Open
Course Session Information: 10am – 1pm.
Skype ID: Skype name: live:mustapha.bouchaqour. To join the SKYPE: https://join.skype.com/invite/rDkkw6Twehzp
Emails: You can email me anytime: mustaphabouchaqour1@gmail.com
To ensure a more dynamic and efficient session, please set up an appointment with me by sending me an email or text me at 646-431-3511.
Thank you.