Personal Strengths

My strengths are unique because of my life experiences. My strengths has enabled me to grow both personally and professionally.  Through life ups and downs I was made into who I am today, and my strengths are evident in my work as a nurse.

One of my best strengths is my attention to detail – I pay very close attention to detail. Before I leave my home, every single day, I do a mental checklist to make sure I’m fully prepared. “Wallet, iPhone, keys,” I mumble to myself morning after morning. This strength has helped me professionally as well. As a nurse, I am able to keep track of my patients’ medication in this very same way. I have a mental checklist for each and every patient of mine, and it helps me avoid making mistakes.

Another strength of mine is my eagerness to help others. This strength was developed over years, it wasn’t always in me. Years ago, I was doing a group project for a science class. Even though there were five student per group, we each got graded individually. Unfortunately one of my teammates was unable to finish her part because of some hardships her family was facing at the time. With only a day before the project was due for submission, I vowed to help her finish. I will never forget how happy she was when I told her I had done her part for her. This experience is what developed the eagerness I have to help others.