When I came to the USA, I had a plan to continue with my education and pursue a career in teaching. With my previous bachelor’s in science, I started teaching Biology to A ‘levels in 2013. During three years of my career as a teacher several times, I thought back on my dream to work in healthcare. At that point in my career, making a drastic change seemed impossible. So, I went with the flow and started enjoying my work.

Little did I realize that life had other plans when I shifted to the USA and started looking into programs for teaching. I would drop my 5-year-old at school and grab my little one with me and visit schools. While learning about the programs I came across several healthcare options. The dental hygiene program felt like my passion was getting fulfilled.  I shadowed a hygienist, a former City Tech student, when I decided to apply to this program. While working with her I realized that this career is the best option for me as a mother. It will give me the flexibility to focus on work and home adequately.

Everybody around me told me that healthcare programs require a lot of input, and this will disturb my personal life. I started school in 2019 to complete my prerequisites and entered the program in 2021. Now, when I look back, I realized that I did miss several of their adorable moments. Many times, I was not able to attend their school events. If I felt bad, my children would adore me and tell me that I am enough and that they are not upset with me. My husband and my children have been my strength in this program. Moreover, when I saw patients leaving my cubicle with a smile on their faces and regaining their confidence, I knew that I am in the right place.