Short-term goals
- Develop student liaisons that can provide feedback on syllabus for several BSRS courses
- Rotate students to write test questions in all of my courses
- Develop the practice of students assessing peers for part of the grade in most of my courses
- Encourage students coming from various colleges to share their background difference as well as prior campus experience, particularly effective teaching strategies by their previous teachers
- Discuss with other BSRS faculty the pros and cons of these goals
- Continue offering multi-modality courses to each BSRS students to enhance their expertise (allowing MR students to leran CT and vice versa) as being done now.
Long-term goals
- Along with classroom research papers that we utilize, allow optional hands on experimental research projects (as Honors) to supplement self and peer learning
- Build collaborative teaching and research (as part of the teaching) with other departments that have common areas with Rad Sc (e.g. Bioinformaics, Applied Physics, Health Economics) in some of the BSRS courses
- Develop interdisciplinary courses to engage several CUNY campuses along integrated biomedical sciences at 3000 level with modest pre-requisites
- Market the ID products in online format to biomedical and pre-med campuses in and outside NY at an affordable tuition rate
- Develop a Certificate MRI program open to non RAD Tech professionals with advanced Science or Engineering degrees to become practicing MRI Technologists (a model successfully created job at Ivy league academic hospitals)
- Prepare a Major Degree Modification proposal to incorporate some of these changes after pilotting these.