Teaching Portfolio

My teaching started at age 15, with various science clubs at our university BITS, Pilani, India. My universe was made up of invisible atoms and untouchable stars described mainly by the language of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. There were several engineering and social science topics that provided the balancing wheels. Moving after a Master’s in Applied Physics it took me several years to go through my search for satisfaction and seemingly completion of my education.

I was wrong. My education had just started. Some of the fields I travelled in India and US were Economics, Mangement Science, Nuclear Physics, Biophysics, Metallurgy with a PhD in Physical Chemistry.

The first two jobs were jointly with academia/industry cohorts as post-doctoral fellowships in Polymer and Petroleum Engineering. By then I have taught several college courses in Physics, Chemistry and Imaging Science in four US universities. After post-doctoral fellowships I entered the field of Medicine as a scientist and faculty in my young 30’s. With relatively strong background in science and engineering I knew very little about Medicine. Hence while teaching physicians and tecchnologists I took the opportunity to start learning how to associate patient pains with physics and chemistry of molecules. While the subsequent teaching at hospitals and medical schools required multiple licensures and boards the hospital management and R&Ds were also integral to learn the materials needed to teach at these high stake environments. All of such practice based teaching  with physicians and allied workers that enabled me putting the patient pain on paper has been instrumental for me to teach our professional BSRS students connecting the invisible atoms with the pathology and pain during my last eight years at City Tech.

The sub-sections below provide details about that journey consisting of my: