This is Subhendra Sarkar. Currently I am an Associate Professor and Program Director of BS Radiological Science (BSRS) degree at City Tech. I started in January of 2016 teaching two highest level courses for BSRS in the Spring semester, RAD 4826 (Advance Medical Imaging-II) and RAD 4830 (Capstone Leadership). From that very first minute to this day I enjoy what students learn from me and what I learn from them.
This is my Faculty Portfolio home page. It contains only my Teaching Portfolio while the PARSE contains service, teaching as well as scholarsships and additional items. This Open Lab entry is not a duplicate, nor a stand alone component. It stands with and is complementary to PARSE.
Teaching has multiple facets, several dimensions and a plurality ot potentials. Here in snapshots I shall convey:
(1) the interdisciplinary STEM nature of my teaching roles that does not separate science from engineering
(2) the concept of co-teaching as a guest instructor and program director side by side with our primary instructors for better student assimilation of theory and applications of multiple biomedical specialties
(3) about some of my outside engangements as international Radiology reviewer, multi-institution collaborator and as a physicist consultant of Harvard Medical School to keep up with our fast advancing profession and bring it back to classroom
(4) my ideas to revise, refill and re-vitalize every BSRS course with graduate level science and technology as well as undergraduate research projects conducted by our faculty and students from Biology, Chemsitry and RAD TECH to develop future scientists and radiology leaders.