Nursing Philosophy

Shereen Robinson Nursing Philosophy

As a person with countless roles I am first a woman, mother, nurse and an educator. Respectively, each of these roles categorizes how I live my everyday life; each has a different effect on me as well as the people I come in contact with daily. As a child visiting the hospital and seeing the nurses dressed up wearing all white from head to toe, I knew when I grow up I would become a  nurse just like those ladies. Since, becoming a nurse my views on nursing has changed drastically; I now realize that being a nurse is not about the person wearing the white uniform, but rather a person who is able to make a difference in an individual’s life.

According to the (“International council of,” 2010) a nurse is define as, a promoter of health, prevention of illness, caring for the ill, disable and dying, advocator, promotion of safe environment, research, participation in shaping health care policies and educators. To me nursing is caring and compassionate delivery of care while providing an environment that maintain and supports healing. I believe there is much more to healing than just medicine. The ability to show an individual that you care encompasses interacting with the individual on a spiritual and cultural level, this in turns offers a beneficial base to promote trust and therefore contribute in the healing process. 

The act of caring continues to delineate my life, through enhancing my professional role as an educator and advocate for patients and families. It is said that patients who feels comfortable with their nurses and care givers deal with their illness, consequently having quicker rate of healing than those who don’t.  Since communication is one of the vital components of any relationship, I do believe it is of great importance for my patients to be kept up-to-date in all aspect of their care and also to be actively involved in their care.

To reiterate, on the many roles outside my nursing career have improved my individual awareness which I frequently bring into my professional life as a nurse. I enjoy serving my clients, and giving back to society. As professional nurse I am committed towards a life time of knowledge through continuing education and the many hands on experiences, to improve myself as an individual and as well as my nursing career.  


International Council of Nurses. (2010, April 12). Retrieved from

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