Greetings from Sakuna Rai in ENG2575 (D460)

Dear Members of Eng2575(d460)

I hope you all are doing well and I was very excited to see most of you on the first day of our class. As we all know since the outbreak of covid-19, our class has changed to remote learning andĀ  we didnā€™t get an opportunity to get to know each other. So, today I would like to let you know more about myself and my dream goal. My name is Sakuna Rai.Ā  I was born and raised on the foothill of the Himalayas, Nepal. I came to the US in 2010 to realize the American dream for me and for my family. Actually, I won the diversity visa luckily in 2010 to get into the land of opportunity, USA.Ā 

Before coming to the US, I was a high school mathematics teacher. I love math playing around with the numbers, theories, equations, formulas and its algorithms. As an ardent believer in science and technology, I always wanted to pursue a degree pertaining to this field, but due to various unforeseen circumstances, I couldnā€™t join college right away.Ā  As the popular adage goes, ā€œbetter late than neverā€, finally after 7 years of gap Iā€™ve returned to college to translate my passion to my profession.

Ā I am currently pursuing my bachelorā€™s degree in Computer System with a software development track inĀ  New York City College of Technology, CUNY. As every software developer has a dream of working in one of the most reputed companies like MAANG, my greatest goal afterĀ  graduation is also to crack the MAANG interview. For this, I have to prepare myself by consistently focusing on studying data structure and algorithms, improving my problem-solving skills and much more. Besides these things, I love playing soccer and watching real based story movies in different languages with the help of subtitles.
Recently watched Telugu Movie- Jai Bhim

Whenever someone talks about writing in English, it is always difficult for me to digest. But I have no choice left and I know that I must have to communicate either in a written or verbal form with a wide range of audience that are less or more knowledgeable in specific subjects. So, I believe that taking this English class will surely help me to achieve those skills to address such an ambiguity.Ā 


Sakuna Rai


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