Spring 2025 SPSS Workshop Series 1/3: Curious to learn about creating consort diagrams for scientific journal articles?

DateMarch 28, 2025
Time1:00 to 2:00 PM EST
Registration/Modality Required/Online
FacilitatorSitaji Gurung, MD, MPH, PhD (Check out Health Sciences Department Faculty Profile)


The first session of the SPSS Workshop Series will delve into the intricacies of consort diagrams – their significance in clinical trials and scientific publications, and the methodology behind their creation.

Learn how to:

  • Interpret and analyze consort diagrams
  • Understand the role of consort diagrams in clinical trials
  • Create consort diagrams using PowerPoint
  • Utilize SPSS to generate data for consort diagrams
  • Effectively communicate key findings

Who Will Benefit:

Students from all majors are welcome to attend. Students will need to read the selected article below in advance of our session. The article is available for free in the Interactive Journal of Medical Research. The SPSS Workshop Series seeks to engage with a wide range of students including non-science majors as well as those having science backgrounds.

Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Among Adolescents and Youths Living With HIV: Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Findings and Implications


Spring 2025 SPSS Workshop Series 2/3: Curious to learn about creating tables and exploring associations between two variables for scientific journal articles?

DateApril 4, 2025
Time1:00 to 2:00 PM EST
Registration/Modality Required/Online
FacilitatorSitaji Gurung, MD, MPH, PhD (Check out Health Sciences Department Faculty Profile)


The second session of the SPSS Workshop Series will explore the nuances of demographic, clinical characteristics, and bivariate analyses tables – their significance in clinical trials and scientific publications, and the methodology behind their creation.

Learn how to:

  • Interpret and assess demographic  and clinical characteristics
  • Understand the significance of demographic and bivariate tables in clinical trials
  • Develop demographic and bivariate tables using Excel
  • Utilize SPSS to showcase descriptive and bivariate analyses
  • Effectively communicate key findings

Who Will Benefit:

Students from all majors are welcome to attend. Students will need to read the selected article below in advance of our session. The article is available for free in the Interactive Journal of Medical Research. The SPSS Workshop Series seeks to engage with a wide range of students including non-science majors as well as those having science backgrounds.

Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Among Adolescents and Youths Living With HIV: Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Findings and Implications


Spring 2025 SPSS Workshop Series 3/3: Curious to learn about creating tables and exploring associations between multiple variables for scientific journal articles?

DateApril 11, 2025
Time1:00 to 2:00 PM EST
Registration/Modality Required/Online
FacilitatorSitaji Gurung, MD, MPH, PhD (Check out Health Sciences Department Faculty Profile)


The third session of the SPSS Workshop Series will explore the nuances of multivariable analyses tables – their significance in clinical trials and scientific publications, and the methodology behind their creation.

Learn how to:

  • Interpret and evaluate multivariable linear regression models
  • Understand the significance of multivariable linear regression tables in clinical trials
  • Develop multivariable linear regression tables using Excel
  • Utilize SPSS to showcase multivariable linear regression analyses
  • Effectively communicate key findings

Who Will Benefit:

Students from all majors are welcome to attend. Students will need to read the selected article below in advance of our session. The article is available for free in the Interactive Journal of Medical Research. The SPSS Workshop Series seeks to engage with a wide range of students including non-science majors as well as those having science backgrounds.

Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Among Adolescents and Youths Living With HIV: Evaluation of Electronic Health Record Findings and Implications