Being that it is black history month, it is essential to understand the reality of the world we live in today. Slavery HAS NOT been abolished. We had it engraved in our minds since a young age that slavery ended in 1865. However, it was not.
The thirteenth amendment granted freedom to all Americans: yet it contains a loophole in which it excludes criminals. In other words if a person is being criminalized, the thirteenth amendment does not apply. Take this exploitation of a clause, added with 100 years of racial tension (since the creation of the thirteenth amendment to the civil rights movement) plus an indefinite “war on drugs” which was truthfully a war on people of color and low-income communities and you get to here. The United States of America, 2019. Home to 5% of the world’s population and yet where 25% of the world’s prisoners are locked up. 1 out of 4 people is being held in shackles here, in the land of the free.