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Since the holidays are close by and the semester is over, my group and I decided we would want to create a fun Christmas game. We had ideas of what we wanted to do but due to limited time, not knowing each other and not being experts with app inventor we decided to go with a familiar game called Brick Breaker. We wanted to make it different so we implemented our own things into the game like creating bricks in the form of trees, using candy canes as bricks, and making the ball a snowball, although it was impossible because we could only make the ball by colors. Creating the app was not an easy task. We made it so that the player has three lives and if you lose all 3 you lose. You know you lose if the “snowball” turns red meaning game over. We wanted to do so much more but due to limited time we couldn’t implement all of our ideas into the app.

My team was Irvin, Heesang and I, and together we creating the blocks in the editor. My Job was to start off the app and insert the images because I was the only one with Photoshop and was able to manipulate images to fit our needs such as candy cane bricks. I also had to align the bricks which was way harder than I thought. It required for me to calculate the x and y axis of the screen in order to arrange each individual brick. I also started off the blocks editor and had the team do the rest. I had to go over errors that we had in the coding which were minor like the ball speed making the game go crazy and other glitches we had. In conclusion we worked as a team and I’m glad we did because it made our brains go to work.

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