
Hi my name is Sophia Copeland. I am currently a Human Service major student. I transferred from Brooklyn College two semesters ago where I was pursuing Psychology as a major. I am christian, I have been for eight years now. My faith is Baptist-Pentecostal. I was raised Jehovah’s Witness, but converted when I had my first son and he asked for a birthday party, I just couldn’t say no. As a Jehovah’s Witness birthdays were not celebrated, so that’s one thing that made me convert. through my difficult times God has always been my rock and shield, as well as my children; I live by the motto” let go and let God”. In life there are many trials and tribulations, but with my faith in God things seems much easier to handle. I always say you do not know where you are going if you do not know where you came from.

I went into the field of Human Service because I have two children with Developmental Disabilities. Traveling and working in the schools, and with Sco waiver services, I saw how stressed out and unhappy the parents were because they were been disservice by both Board of Education, the schools, and their communities. They had no one to fight for their rights, most spoke little or no English and the ones that did had no clue about the laws of Board of Education. I felt it was unfair for both my children and others to have to sit in classes that did not provide for their needs, psychologically, emotionally, mentally, and academically, so me becoming a Social Worker will enable me to help others and help to change laws. Children with disabilities are one of the most vulnerable population and often get left in the dark, so obtaining a degree in Human Service will help me to enlightened their paths and put them on a bright future to success and happiness.

I delight in helping others and my goals are to become a licensed Social Worker, to give Therapeutic counseling to special needs children, and to own my own out-patient Psychotherapy clinic. I have two children, ages 6 years old, and 12 years old; they are boys. what drew me to becoming a Social Worker was seeing and hearing the needs of parents who like me have children with developmental disabilities, but who have no voice or anyone to advocate for them. Becoming a Social Worker  will enable me to reach out to families in need. My year of expected graduation was October 2012, but because i lost so many credits when i transferred my new expected date of graduation is January 2014. I will be graduating with a Bachelor degree in Human Services, but will continue my Post-Graduate degree in Social Work.

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