Author: Sonia

DESIGN 3 project – “Beneficial Connection”, informal – Geode

This building is a museum of New York City, located in Dumbo, across the street from Voorhees building of City Tech. The intention is for people visiting the museum to also experience the city itself as a part of their visit. This strong connection is achieved by direct views to one of the most beautiful spots in the city and large amount of outdoor space on a high level where nothing is obstructing the view.

Concrete & Glass facade

All the rest shall be explained by images below.












“Vertical Bridge” model

The goal of the sctructure is to create an alternative pathway through the building, as a way to travel between the floors. Additional role is to provide an observation deck and resting spaces, public as well as private. Minor role is to provide more greens into the area (the grass is natural) and support the look of the historic district by using wood.

The upper floor is open only to the employees of the offices in the building, all other floors are public.


Rendered Images made with Rhino with people inserted from Skalgubbar


Sections made through cutting the object in Rhino, inserting it to Adobe Illustrator and combining cuts and behind-the-cut views.

Ideas for the vertical grass planting are below

Image from

system by William Lee

Vorhees Hall second floor drawings

Building Technology I



Axonometric drawing of the second floor (cafeteria/lounge) of the Vorhees Hall

Partially completed, though. Only stair, almost all columns, one window, done right before the presentation, and elevator and stair shafts are present. Lots of mind twisting with drawing an axonometric drawing of that scale for the first time. The first-first one was the drawing of a clay model that consisted of 3 rectangular shapes, interlocked together…but not the stairs and windows with their frames and glass thicknesses! Anyway, this was very, VERY interesting to figure out. Definitely looking for more!

Section showing the stair leading to the first floor.

Section showing the egress stairs between third, second and first floors.

Floor plan of the second floor lounge and cafeteria.  Top left is the stairs leading to the first floor. North is actually down here.  The windows are all the way into the building, but actually, they are the part of a curtain wall around the building.

Let it all begin

One more line of history begins with the first post on this particular blog. Dedicated to architecture, it will lead the viewer through the path of a young student of an arch major.

Nothing bad will happen if I will leave here my thoughts of architecture?
It is mind-blowing how many people are studying this craft now. After learning about the times of great master masons and painters and draftsmen that put their time and effort to create truly beautiful architectural artworks, I want to be educated among those. The problem of modern education, maybe the city or the world and age I live in is that it is too fast-paced. It is impossible to create an elevation drawing close to Michelangelo`s works without spending hours in the studio, drawing, looking, noticing details. It is so desired – put a huge amount of time in a draft, knowing that you will complete it and be proud of yourself, the creator of such a fabulous representation of the building. It is so sorrowful how the pace of the place and time force the young mind to draw what`s required by minimal standards to pass the course and move on, move on, always faster and less, worse and rougher.