Baccalaureate Program

Baccalaureate degree in nursing is a great expansion of the knowledge and experience to the associate degree in nursing. I have learned a lot of additional and very interesting information about nursing. Much of the new information was about the indirect patient care and some of it refreshed the knowledge from the associate degree. I have become more aware of the practice of the nursing management. It made it clear the importance of the appropriate resources allocation, effective management style, evaluations and the initiation of the new strategies to improve cost efficiency and patient outcomes. Also, I have learned the benefit of the cultural competence in health care. It is especially important in our culturally diverse environment. Finally, learning about the professional issues in nursing and the politics in nursing have opened my eyes on the fact that nursing is more than just taking care of the patients at the bedside. I believe that the knowledge and experience in nursing that I have acquired are essential for my future practice as a registered nurse and for my continuance in education.