Engineering + Biology = Synthetic Biology

But first of all:

Hello all, I’m looking forward to seeing you all after what was hopefully a restorative spring break. Please don’t forget to bring in a proposal for your final paper. We’ll be discussing your ideas.

Final Research Paper Road Map:

April 13th – Proposal due. The Idea/Concept/Project: What problem are you addressing? We will discuss.

April 21 th– Research is due. Related work: You must research all related work. Who else has done similar research? What research/project are you building on? How is your project similar? How is it different? Please gather your references now. You will need them for your bibliography. If your project/game/experience needs to be tested, prototyped please complete by next week. Don’t forget to document the process.

April 28 th – Research

May  5th– 1st draft of paper due (In class peer reviews)

May 12 – Reading Day

May 19th Final paper due and presentations – power point/wireframes/site maps/diagrams/tech specs/models/images/video demo etc. IN PERSON!

Citation and Formatting

Depending on your focus you should either use APA citation formatting or IEEE citation. Here is a cite generator that basically automates the process:

Latex is a formatting application often used for tech papers because you can easily embed equations etc. :

For our purposes you may use google docs/word if more appropriate for your topic

For game design refer to MDA for product design – using mechanics, dynamics and aesthetics as categories.  Consider your audience, the development process, and the solution.

Here are some resources for Friday’s class:

Thoughts on Fantastic Fungi?

One of the largest problems facing the planet is climate change. What is synthetic engineering?

Synthetic biology -What it is and Why it Matters  by Alistair Elfick and Drew Endy (read 1-5)

Can synthetic biology save the planet?

In small groups using Bing’s Image Creator – use the prompt “synthetic engineering” and then tweak it with more details collectively create an image or a series of images that depict synthetic engineering.

On engineering crops … Holding multiple truths simultaneously.

Vandana Shiva: How to decolonize the global economy

Can we engineer crops to withstand climate change?

Nature X Oxman Deezen article

MIT LAB Neri Oxman