The first drafts of your essays: Technology as a lived Experience – and co-creating with ChatGPT are due today.

I would like to spend the first part of class peer reviewing your essays. We will break up into small groups and each group member will drop a link to their paper in the chat.

Using the rubric below please write comments for each other. While it’s always nice to be supportive this process is more about constructive criticism.


Writing Rubric:

  • Thesis Statement, Introduction, Conclusion
  • Examples, Evidence and Content 
  • Organization and Structure
  • Writing Mechanics and Style

Discuss Parables –

Continuing: Transhumanism vs Posthumanism. What is the difference?

PostHuman: An Introduction to Transhumanism

Jason Silva on Transhumanism: Are We Decommissioning Evolution? | Big Think

Dr. Ferrando’s lecture “How to Become Posthuman”, Princeton University, US 2019.

The internet then and now – thinking about governance on the internet.

A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace by John Perry BarlowJohn Perry Barlow wrote this Cyberspace manifesto in 1996. What does it say and almost 30 years later. Reflect on whether his points are still tenable. Consider fake news, cyber crime, echo chambers, etc. Where do his arguments fall short and where do they still  ring true?

What does friction mean in technology? Why do you think some people are advocating for it?

In Praise of Friction with Renée Richardson Gosline | SXSW 2022