Hi all,

Your last assignment is to create a cinemagram in Aftereffects. Create a 10 second bumper in which you mix at least one still photo and one video to create a 10 second piece. Experiment with text, the transformations, effects, key framing, blending modes, and simple animations. Challenge yourselves.

prompts: You may create an individual project with the prompt Time Travel or Climate Change.

The prompts are open to interpretation and as always if you have another idea feel free to run with it. Excited to see what you come up with!

ABVH animates Banksy pieces. I thought the above one was appropriate for NYC.

May 12th is a reading day. I plan on holding another open office hour at 10 am. Here is the link: https://pratt.zoom.us/j/96028101963

May 19th are the final presentations. You are required to attend and participate (which includes giving feedback) If you cannot come and wish to pass the class please provide a doctor’s note.