Monthly Archives: March 2012

Hello World!!

My name is Tomas Martinez andĀ I’m a bachelors student in Electrical Engineering. I grew up working with my cousin who is an entrepreneur and a independent contractor and ifĀ I learned anything working with him its thatĀ IĀ want to be an Engineer.

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No Subject

My name is Johnny and I’m a Communication major. I Choose communication field because it something of my interest.

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Whats Good

My name is Darren and my major is Electrical Engineering. I chose my major because it seemed interesting and challenging.

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About Me

My name is Anthony Clarke I an interested in Electrical Engineering.Ā  This major interests me because I want to enter a field where I work with my hands, and theĀ involvement of math benefits me because I am strong in that … Continue reading

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My name is Christopher and i’m a studentĀ at The New York City of Technology, i’m interested in Electrical Engineering.

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First post

My name is Samuel and I’m a Citytech student and I am intrested in electrical engineering.

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How do you create vectors in matlab using polar coordinates

24 hours have passed and i still can’t figure out how to create vectors on matlab using polar coordinates. if anyone knows how to do this please post an example of your code.

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