Class Readings

UX & UI Design

Intro to UX Design

What is User Experience Design? An Overview

But regardless of how much has changed in the production process, a website’s success still hinges on just one thing: how users perceive it. “Does this website give me value? Is it easy to use? Is it pleasant to use?” These are the questions that run through the minds of visitors as they interact with our products, and they form the basis of their decisions on whether to become regular users.

User experience design is all about striving to make them answer “Yes” to all of those questions. This guide aims to familiarize you with the professional discipline of UX design in the context of Web-based systems such as websites and applications.

A beginner’s guide to understanding UX design

What is UX Design?

UX Design can be defined in several different ways, but in the simplest form it understanding what people do and then designing a way to make it better. The goal is to first clearly define the user and meet their measure of success (in concert with the organizational or client goals).

What do UX Designers actually do?

I still remember the first time I came across the term “User Experience Designer”. It was years ago, embedded in the email signature of a friend of mine—someone whose job I never quite understood. So I asked him.

His answer fundamentally changed how I designed websites from that day forward. Not because of what he actually said (he mumbled something about usability and research) but because of the ongoing discussion that ensued. That discussion prompted me to dig deeper into the world of UX, re-evaluate my processes, and dramatically shape my career

Blogs & Resources

The Nielsen Norman  Group – Evidence-Based User Experience Research, Training, and Consulting

NN/g conducts groundbreaking research, evaluates user interfaces, and reports real findings – not just what’s popular or expected. With our approach, NN/g will help you create better user experiences and improve the bottom line for your business.

UX Mastery

We’re an online resource for aspiring user experience designers.


Digital Advent Calendar that runs through the month of December

Smashing Magazine: UX Design

Curated Smashing Magazine Blog

Smashing Magazine UI Design

Curated Smashing Magazine Blog

UX Matters

Insights and Inspiration for the UX Community

UX Mag

Blog for UX Mag

UX Cards

Site of, a services company that specializes in UX/UI design. Explains UX research Methods.

Hack Design

Instruction on Design, UX, UI, Color, etc.

The Hipper Element



Adobe Creative Cloud — UX/UI Design

UX Design Workflows

UX Designers share their workflows

What is your User Experience practice workflow? What standardized activities and processes work and are valuable to improve? What tools and deliverables do you prefer?

The Most Overlooked Aspect Of UX Design Could Be The Most Important

An empty state is what the user sees when there is no data to display on the screen. This could be because:

  • The user has only just signed up.
  • The user has cleared the data themselves.
  • There’s been an error.

We’ll quickly go through some examples of these three different kinds before taking a deeper look into how empty states can help increase retention and ensure users get the most out of your app.


UX Design Process | Techniques

UX Mastery–UX Design Process Breakdown

UX Mastery Catalog of UX Design Techniques


How to Conduct User Interviews

User interviews can be a great way to extract information from users for user experience understanding, usability understanding and ideation. They are cheap and easy to conduct and can be readily conducted by anyone who can ask questions and record the answers.



Lean UX vs. Agile UX – is there a difference?

User Experience Design world is a well established kingdom of acronyms and buzz words. UX, IxD, IA, UCD, CX, agile UX, lean UX, guerrilla research, strategic UX, Emotional design
 we’re swimming in the sea of strange words risking catastrophe of miscommunication of our own field.

Doing UX in an Agile World: Case Study Findings

Summary: Agile teams are more proficient in executing the development process, but the compressed timescale forces some to abandon user research and degrade the resulting user experience.


UX & UI Design Software

UX Pin

Never design alone.

Design, prototype and collaborate with your entire team in one platform.

InVision App


The world’s leading prototyping, collaboration & workflow platform


Turn sketches, mockups and designs into web, iPhone, iOS, Android and Apple Watch app prototypes.


Balsamiq Mockup

Getting your ideas out should be effortless. We sweat the details so the app gets out of your way, instead of forcing you to learn it. You won’t see many dialog windows interrupting your flow, and you won’t have to twiddle with options all the time.


Moqups makes it easy to quickly mock your website or mobile app, add interactivity and share with your collaborators

Personal Stories

Kieran Black: My App Design Workflow

First of all, this is somewhat of a rebound of what Marc Edwards from Bjango has written up for his app design workflow. This article will be a little bit more broad on UI design covering both web design and native app design. By the way, this is just my opinion on how to design for UIs, there are probably better ways to do all of these things. If you do have a better way, tell me in the comments below, I’m always interested in refining my workflow.

Where Did The Target Prescription Bottles Everyone Loves So Much Come From, Anyway?

We didn’t realize how much affection consumers had for Target’s ClearRX prescription bottling system until the bottles went away after CVS purchased Target’s pharmacies. Maybe customers themselves didn’t realize how attached they were to those bottles until they consigned to memory, but with the CVS takeover of Target’s pharmacy business, they’re now gone. Why are people so attached to a prescription bottle, though?

What I’ve Learned as a UX Interviewer

Sitting on the other side of the table during a UX interview is a very different experience. I don’t see a lot written from the personal perspective of the UX interviewer. There are generalized guides and how-to’s, but no actual real-life accounts.


Information Architecture

Prezi on Understanding Information Architecture


What a Prototype Is (and Is Not)

Wireframes are dead, long live rapid prototyping

Research Methods

INC Magazine—Conducting a Competitive Analysis

Creating a Solid UX Competitive Analysis

User Testing—How Many Users Should I Test

Summary: The answer is 5, except when it’s not. Most arguments for using more test participants are wrong, but some tests should be bigger and some smaller.

Mental Modeling

A mental model diagram is a fishbone or horizon diagram where the top towers represent individuals’ motivations, emotions, and stories related to their experience in achieving a particular goal, regardless of the tools they use.

Mental Models


Summary: What users believe they know about a UI strongly impacts how they use it. Mismatched mental models are common, especially with designs that try something new.

The Secret to Designing an Intuitive UX : Match the Mental Model to the Conceptual Model


Summary: Psychological concepts underlying good user experience and usability.

Half of UX is 90% Mental

Summary: To put it simply, a mental model is a person’s intuition of how something works based on past experiences, knowledge, or common sense.

Mental Model Diagrams (Cartoon)

By Indi Young and Brad Colbow

Summary: We tend to carefully create our HTML and CSS, and meticulously place every pixel to our designs. We plan exactly where our content should be placed on a particular site. Among many other decisions we need to make, we always keep in mind to craft a great experience for all our users. But how do we know what our users really want?


Summary: Personas and User Stories made sense when customers and product teams were far from each other. That’s no longer the case.

Journey or Experience Maps

The Anatomy of an Experience Map

Experience maps have become more prominent over the past few years, largely because companies are realizing the interconnectedness of the cross-channel experience. It’s becoming increasingly useful to gain insight in order to orchestrate service touchpoints over time and space.


Introduction to User Personas

From all over the techniques and tools related to design process and User experience, only personas appears as a consistent common denominator, even in methods against the use of extensive “deliverables” as Lean UX. Most of the point of view agree in that the secret of a great user experiences strategy lies on this tool, even so the building process varies significantly.

DIY User Personas

Probably you already know what a persona is –if don’t check this -, and probably you, like me,build your first persona using some of the thousands personas layout you can find in the internet. But as has happened to me you’ve probably also discovered this is not easy work

The Easy Way to Create User Personas: Tips, Tricks and Two Free Templates

Today I’m going to show you how to create better user personas. And by better, what I mean is a true understanding of a user that’s informed by the messy realities of what it’s like to be human. There are plenty of prescriptions for persona creation, but they’re all essentially the same: laundry lists that suggest it’s possible to understand a person’s motivation – and create an accurate, useful user persona – simply by checking boxes and asking questions related to behavior.

From Personas to User Stories

User stories are a powerful technique to capture the product functionality from the perspective of a user or customer. But how do we discover the right stories? When should they be written and how detailed should they be? Read this post to find out my answers to these questions.


A step by step guide to scenario mapping

Scenario mapping is a really quick, easy and dare I say it even fun way to collaboratively create, discuss and communicate user scenarios. Scenario mapping will help you to think about your users, to think about their tasks and most importantly to think about the sort of user experience you want to provide.

Sketch and Prototyping Templates

Ready to print device templates for UI & UX designers.

Inspirational and Useful Resources for App Designers

A great collection of templates and resources that will facilitate the work of user interface designers, about smartphones, tablets and Web apps.

Animation Techniques

CSS 3 & Javascript Animations

What is a pitch deck?

A pitch deck is usually a 10-20 slide presentation designed to give a short summary of your company, your business plan and your startup vision. Pitch decks also serve very different purposes, from trying to get a meeting with a new investor, to presenting in front of a stage, and each one of them should follow a different structure.

UX Testing

Maximizer CRM

Customer Relationship Management Service

We don’t just build CRM systems – we provide companies with a competitive advantage. With over 1.6 million licenses shipped to more than 120,000 businesses across all industries, Maximizer is helping companies just like yours grow profitably. We make it easy to maximize lead generation and manage pipelines to shorten sales cycles, close more deals and increase revenue, all while delivering exceptional customer service.


Creating UX Portfolios

10 Steps To A Perfect UX Portfolio

Design portfolios have long been used by graphic designers and photographers to display the results of their work. But what about UX portfolios? Do UXers need them?

9 tips for creating your UX portfolio

Your UX portfolio is proof that you’re worth hiring. Here’s how to make it the best it can be.


User Interface Design Guidelines: 10 Rules of Thumb

Jakob Nielsen, a renowned web usability consultant and partner in the Nielsen Norman Group, and Rolf Molich, another prominent usability expert, established a list of ten user interface design guidelines in the 1990s. Note that there is considerable overlap between Nielsen and Molich’s heuristics and Ben Shneiderman’s ‘eight golden rules’. These 10 rules of thumb further iterate upon Shneiderman’s eight golden rules 4 years after Shneiderman’s initial publication.

Learn UI design by Copying

Throughout most of our academic careers, we’ve been taught that copying is a bad thing. Getting caught copying an author’s work is considered plagiarism. Copying someone else during an exam can lead to expulsion. So it’s not a surprise that we have negative associations with copying, even to this day.
But what about copying as a way to learn?

The Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design

I have often been asked to distill the vast corpus of user interface design into a few key principles. While I was reluctant to do this, it turned out to be a good exercise to write “Golden Rules,” that are applicable in most interactive systems. These principles, derived from experience and refined over three decades, require validation and tuning for specific design domains. No list such as this can be complete, but even the original list from 1985, has been well received as a useful guide to students and designers. Jakob Nielsen, Jeff Johnson, and others have expanded these rules and included their variations, which enriches the discussion. Each edition of the book produces some changes.

10 User Interface Design Fundamentals

‘Staying out of the way’ means not distracting your users. Rather, good UIs let your users complete goals. The result? A reduction in training and support costs, and happier, satisfied and highly engaged users.

Effective Visual Communication for Graphical User Interfaces

The use of typography, symbols, color, and other static and dynamic graphics are used to convey facts, concepts and emotions. This makes up an information-oriented, systematic graphic design which helps people understand complex information. Successful visual communication through information-oriented, systematic graphic design relies on some key principles of graphic design.

Using Light, Color and Contrast Effectively in UI Design

User interface (UI) design is both an art and a science. Artistic talent comes in handy when coming up with an attractive style and aesthetic, but at the core of UI design lies logic and method.

Creating Style Tiles

Style Tiles are a design deliverable consisting of fonts, colors and interface elements that communicate the essence of a visual brand for the web.


UI Design by Platform

IOS Human Design Principles

Google Material Design

Google Design

Marketing Research


Customer demographics are about how old your customers are. It may surprise you to know HOW much age demographics for advertising affects your marketing efforts in this always on world.

Creating Surveys

Better User Research Through Surveys

Surveys are increasingly becoming a more accepted tool for UX practitioners. Creating a great survey is like designing a great user experience—they are a waste of time and money if the audience, or user, is not at the centre of the process. Designing for your user leads to the gathering of more useful and reliable information.


Surveys are great for quickly collecting large amounts of data about your users. At Envato, our design team creates surveys so we can gain valuable insight about the way people use our product.

15 useful user feedback questions for online surveys

Online surveys are a quick and incredibly useful tool for gathering all sorts of user feedback. In next to no time you can whip something up using one of the many online survey tools out there and start gathering feedback from real users. Often implementing the survey is the easy bit, it’s designing the thing that’s the tricky part as you won’t get the feedback you’re after if you don’t ask the right questions. In this article I outline 15 useful user feedback questions for online surveys for you to pick and choose from

Resumes & Jobs

Tips for Writing a CV for a UX Job Application

It’s not really fair that before we can show an interviewer how great we are for their position – we have to land that interview in the first place. A good CV can make or break your career prospects; you cannot get a great job without getting an interview. Sadly, in nearly all professions including UX many CVs are simply not fit-for-purpose.


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