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How to Survive Critique: A Guide to Giving and Receiving Feedback

How to Survive Critique: A Guide to Giving and Receiving Feedback

Sadly, now that Steve Jobs is gone, there is no single, omnipotent critic capable of unilaterally determining how good or bad a design is. Of course, some people (i.e., design faculty, Pritzker Prize winners) are more informed or knowledgeable than others, but design is a complex endeavor, resistant to simple metrics or measures. Therefore, in design education, instructors rely heavily on a subjective form of review known as “critique.” There are many ways to critique and be critiqued, and learning how to give and receive feedback is an essential skill that extends beyond design education. Here, a few thoughts for students and their critics—and critics and the critiqued at large.

6 Web Design Mistakes and how to correct them…

6 Web Design Mistakes and how to correct them…

It happens to everyone at some point: You look back on a website design and realize that you made a mistake. And we’re not talking about a misplaced comma. You see a full-scale can’t-believe-you-did-that kind of design faux paus. While you can’t go back in time, you can make corrections so your design is flawless moving forward.

Getting Started in UX Design

Getting Started in UX Design

How to get started in UX Design? That’s an excellent question. Although the number of design resources for beginners grows rapidly, I firmly believe that they do not offer the right approach to the problem.