6 Web Design Mistakes and how to correct them…

6 Web Design Mistakes and how to correct them…

It happens to everyone at some point: You look back on a website design and realize that you made a mistake. And we’re not talking about a misplaced comma. You see a full-scale can’t-believe-you-did-that kind of design faux paus. While you can’t go back in time, you can make corrections so your design is flawless moving forward.


My Brackets Extension—Starter HTML Template

Create Starter HTML Page
This is the link to my Brackets Extension. It creates a command in the Edit panel and also a keyboard shortcut (CMD+Shift+X) that creates a basic HTML Starter Page. The code created is as follows:
<!doctype html>
          <title>Page Title</title>
          <meta charset=”UTF-8″>


To install the extension do not unzip it. Open Brackets and go to File>Extension Manager. Just drag the .zip to the Drag .zip here button on the bottom left of the Manager dialog box.