Homework #1

Due: Feb. 7

Portfolio Website Evaluation

Assignment: Choose an artist or designer’s personal portfolio web site that you like and think is engaging.

Some questions to answer:

  • What do you think the purpose of this site is? Is the purpose of this website clear? What type of work does the artist or designer create?
  • Who is the target audience of this site? Is the design built to be appealing to this target?
  • What do you think the designer wants the audience to do once they are on the site? Is the designer’s goal for the audience clear to the user of the site?
  • Do you think the pages load quickly or will the visitors get bored waiting?
  • Can the information you are looking for be found easily?
  • Does the website work on mobile devices?
  • Are the fonts that of been chosen easy to read?
  • Is there enough contrast between the font color in the background color?
  • Is the text an appropriate size?
  • Will the content be relevant to the intended audience?
  • Does the overall design make content easy to find?
  • Does the website’s style align with the artist’s brand in terms of color, graphics, feel, etc.?
  • Is the style consistent throughout the entire website?
  • Does the style suit the intended audience?
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About Jerron Smith

Jerron Smith uses the working name “thepixelsmith” to denote a connection to the craftsmen of old. Though instead of metal or paint he works with a medium unique to the 20th century; the pixel. A multimedia guru and skilled designer he likes to describe himself as an animator, designer,editor, & educator; a renaissance man of the 21st century. He is a multi-faceted artist and video creator and has worked in a wide variety of different media. He has experience in both digital video/television production, and post-production as well as extensive knowledge of the Web and Print Design industries.

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