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The speech by Beatrice Coron on “Stories cut from paper” is a well valance, clear, and motivating one. It was given in a slow pace, which helps everyone clearly understand. It was also very inspiring, as she shared how her life choices, influence her art and motivates her to do more and more.  There is nothing that i really did not like about the speech. is a well design webpage. On top of the page you have a five category drop down menu for the main searches, “Reviews, Downloads..” On your left you have top categories by especific technology, “Cars, Cell phones, Computers…”.  The main window on top displays the top five stories. has a bad design because there is just so much going on. There is more than 10 drop down links on the top of the page. There could be adds basically anywhere. Way too many stories on the main page that could take away focus from the top news. The whole page is full of links from top to botton, which makes it kind of overwhelming for the user.

Apples mastermind Steve Jobs, left behind an amazing amount of knowledge that future generations could and will learn alot from.  Mr.Hawley says “ “When Steve believed in an idea, he was both passionate and patient, scratching away over the years until he got it right,” It is that passion that drove the creation of many of his successful products, including the iPhone and iPod.

His creativity and passion where inportant but perhaps more important was his relentless spirit which never, stop believing in his ideas, even when they fail on their first second or even third try.

My boss gave me credit for a project on which a colleague did most of the work. Should i accept the praise?

Some times we are face with a situation where even though we really had nothing to do with what happened or was accomplished, we are tempted to take the credit for it. Being the kind of person i am (not that whoever is reading this really knows me, so it may be hard to believe) there is no way that i would take credit for something i didn’t do, at least not on purpose.

I say “not on purpose” because some times when you are in a fast pace or confusing environment, you may take the credit just because, there was no time to respond to it or some times, no one even told you that you where given credit for it.


Do you think the site could be easily navigated by an English speaker?

The website is very easy to navigate for an English speaker.

What are some features that make the site navigable?

1) Drop down menus

2) The “Where do i start?” Form on the top right of the page.

3) The Many links on the bottom of the page.


What are some features you like about it?

My favorite features are the “where do i start?” form and the drop down Menus.

What improvements would you make to it?

I like it the way it is, but perhaps i would move the links at the end of the page to another area.

How long would it take you to find Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization? Was it easy or hard to find?

It took me less than a 20 seconds to find the form, it was kind of easy to find.


Blog creation process