
Artist Statement

Title: “Antigone: Relevance In Modern History”

Students who are studying literature, politics, or social justice are the infographic’s intended audience. It aims to provide readers a deeper comprehension of the play Antigone and demonstrate how it still has value in the modern world. This infographic’s objective is to educate students about the play Antigone’s message and how it relates to current political and social challenges. Students will be able to comprehend the primary themes and messages of the play and how they relate to current events through the use of images and succinct information.

Visual and written modalities are both utilised in this multimodal endeavor. Infographics, which offer a clear and succinct visual representation of information, are used to leverage the visual mode. The written form is employed to offer thorough justifications of the sources used. An infographic was chosen as the project’s medium. By using an infographic, it is possible to convey the data in a way that is both aesthetically pleasing and simple to understand. Also, it makes it possible for material to be quickly shared across a variety of platforms, including websites, social media, and presentations.

Benefits of Modes and Medium: The overall message of the project can be substantially enhanced by the use of visual aids, such as infographics. It makes it possible to convey complicated information in a clear and eye-catching way. The play’s ideas and messages are explained in more detail when the written and visual modes are combined. The information can be presented in a clear and succinct manner while also being easily shared when using an infographic as the medium. An infographic has been chosen as the project’s genre. The information can be conveyed succinctly and attractively with the help of an infographic. Also, it makes it possible to readily publish the content on a variety of platforms, including websites,

social media, and presentations. The usage of an infographic also permits the incorporation of visual aids, which can significantly improve the project’s overall message.

This multimodal composition succeeds because it successfully conveys complicated information in a visually appealing and understandable style. It offers a comprehensive comprehension of the play’s ideas and messages and their relevance to current events. The material may be easily shared on a variety of media thanks to the infographic style. This project’s shortcoming is that it might not give students who need a more in-depth examination of the play one that is comprehensive enough. In the future, it might be advantageous to add more details or offer more resources for anyone who want a more in-depth examination of the play.

Overall, I’m happy with how my infographic project turned out. I feel that my objective of educating pupils about the significance of the play Antigone in contemporary society and inspiring them to comprehend its message has been accomplished. If I could go back and change anything, I would broaden the project’s focus to include a more in-depth examination and commentary on the play’s themes and motifs. In order to examine the concepts in further detail, I would also think about using other formats, like a podcast or video. Notwithstanding its shortcomings, the initiative, in my opinion, succeeded in fulfilling its goals and successfully conveying the relevance of Antigone to a modern audience. With this endeavor, I have learned a lot, and I will keep these lessons in mind as I look for new ways to explain difficult concepts.

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