Case Studies

Case Study #1

Patient was a heavy type III and had not been to the dentist in over 20 years. She was 49 years old and suffered a stroke last year, affecting the left side of her body. She regained much of her body movement but still had trouble closing her moth completely on the left side and her facial muscles lost elasticity. This patient had high blood pressure and type II diabetes; she was taking medications for both. I exposed an FMS and completed her cleaning over 3 visiting in December 2013. At her recall appointment in March 2014 she was a medium type case and I was able to complete her treatment in one visit. We also discussed Arestin placement and had her return the next week. I placed Arestin in eight sites in the maxilla and the patient returned a month later for evaluation. At the evaluation all of the probing depths had improved 1-2mm.  She and I were both thrilled with the results. I truly enjoyed treating this patient because it was a challenge for me and a great learning experience. She also greatly appreciated everything that we were doing for her in the clinic and I formed a great bond with her. Now that she knows the effect of oral heath on the rest of the body, especially in relation to her diabetes she realized just how important it is to keep up with her visits. I’m glad I was able to not only treat this patient, but get her to change her mind set about the importance of regular dental visits.
















Case Study #2

Patient was a 24 year old male that had not had a dental cleaning in roughly 10 years. He was extremely nervous and anxious about going to the dentist and had been avoiding going. He had a bad dental experience years ago that made him so anxious. He did not have any health problems, but he is a mouth breather and had severe gingivitis. He was classified as a heavy type II. He also had numerous caries, which he was given a referral and the hospital list. Over 3 visits I scaled his mouth and exposed an FMS. The patient was given local anesthesia at each visit and was still extremely sensitive. He also had a poor plaque score at each visit, so I recommended a power tooth brush, Colgate Total toothpaste and Listerine. I had this patient come back 2 months after his initial cleaning because I did not want him to go the summer without a cleaning while the clinic is closed. At his recall appointment the patient was a medium type case and his gingiva improved greatly, but was still red and swollen. He still has a poor plaque score so I reinforced homecare. I feel I made some great improvements with this patient even though he still has to work on homecare. Just getting him to commit to coming in for his appointments and lessening his anxiety is a huge step forward for this patient and I hope that he continues to come to the clinic every 3 months even after I graduate.

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