Assignment 2: Assess Yourself.



assessment      I was asked to complete and assessment activity to learn more about my career interest.  I completed the O*NET Interest Profile, which was 4 sets of random questions regarding what type of things interest me the most. After taking the exam my test result was divided into 6 interest results. My results were Realistic 20, Investigative 34, Artistic 22, Social 38, Enterprising 13, and conventional 18, which my highest interest results being Investigative 34, and Social 28. 

     The web site O*NET states that people with investigative interests like work that has to do with ideas and thinking rather than physical activity or leading people. They like, searching for facts and figuring out problems. I can identify with this interest. For instance, one of the classes I liked the most was microbiology since you must investigate and wait to see how bacteria reacts on plates or broth. It was amazing to stain bacteria and be able to see it in the microscope, I like to figure things out and to know how things work.   

     The next highest interest was social interest and the web site states that people with Social interest like working with others to help them learn and grow. They like working with people more than working with objects, machines, or information. They like, Teaching, giving advice and helping and being of service to people.  I can relate to this because I like working with people and helping. I’m a doorman and concierge, which is my current work, and I experience working with people to be satisfying and rewarded. One of the many descriptions are to attend any emergencies and organize any work that needs to be done in apartments, I coordinate this work. I like working with people, but I will also like to help people in a different way. I will like to work with people in a clinical setting.  

     This assignment was very helpful because this type of assessment gave me different views of the areas I can enjoy, but also the areas I can be productive, which I think is very important. I’m looking forward to completing the carrier planning process to see what area of study the next 4 steps will take me.  


     Hi, I’m Sergio, and I’m currently taking classes in City Tech, which I’ve been doing for
a little over a year. I have enjoyed this college, and I can say that I have meet great professors and students. I was asked to write describing why I’m enrolled in this class (HSCI 1101), and what I hope to get out of this class.  

      To understand my personal reasons why I enrolled in HSCI 1101 I must talk about previous plans I had before I enrolled to this class. Before I enrolled to this class, I was following up a Dental Hygiene program, which i completed all the prerequisites and I was missing just the clinical part before I apply to the program. I currently have 47 credits.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t make it into the program because I had couple low scores, and these programs are very competitive. I checked my options, and I found out that City Tech was offering an associate degree in Health Science, and I decided to stay in City Tech because is affordable compare to private schools and City Tech offers great education. One of the classes that I need to take in order to graduate is this class HSCI 1101, and this is one of the reasons why i took it.  

      I wasn’t sure what this class was about before I started, but I read the syllabus, and it looks interesting. I like the fact that we will be going to different clinics where people of different professions are working in health setting. I believe this is important for students who are undecide if they want to do anything clinical and can help students to decide what they want to study.  This is something I’m looking forward to.  

     College like other things in life is a process, and I hope we all learn to enjoy the process, as much as the outcome. I hope to meet everyone in this class, and I wish everyone the best of luck! 

 Sergio  I. Garcia.   

good luck