4. You Need a Coffee Break

I go to the internship every Thursday and Friday, we don’t have dress code, and our attire is as comfort as well. We have open workspace for 6 people, 2 offices in the back. I start work from 10:30 am, but not end in the same time, it based on the work, the first day work I was end by 7pm, the Art Director and Copy Editor we worked for some designs and we had to finished it on the day, so I tried my best to fix and designed it, the good thing was they both satisfied with it.

On the ground flood, there is a cozy and nice café, and it is open to public. My lunch time is around 1-2pm, usually I like to finish everything and go to lunch. During the lunch break, the cafe it is very busy, but on the other side, there is a quite empty room for public meeting or for personal working.

My first intern day wasn’t easy at all. My Art Director and me left in the last. Exhausted but I did and learned a lot. I think was a good started. Working is never easy, and working time is very intense in real life, so if you want to go further in this career path, you need to get ready and be prepared for anytime.






meeting room


Greene Street