Homework Submission

  1. Open the ipynb file linked below or from the Schedule page. You can either complete it in Colab as an .ipynb or download it as a .py file and complete it in a local text editor. 
  2. Once you are finished with your homework, download it and upload it to the blackboard submission link for that homework. Please upload with the format LastnameFirstnameHW1.py. 
  3. Your code should run WITHOUT me editing the code at all. There should be no extraneous print statements, no extra input statements, and no unnecessary comments in your submission. You cannot change the function signature or output format either. Homework not submitted in this format will not be graded. 
  4. We will have time in class on Tuesdays to ask questions about the homework and review the class materials. 
  5. There will be a 5% penalty for each day the homework is late. You will also get 2 opportunities to redo your homework if you do poorly. 
  6. You can resubmit your homework as many times as you wish until the due date. If you need more time, just email me and we can work something out! 
0Tues Jan 30Thurs Feb 1
1Thurs Feb 1Tues Feb 13
2Tues Feb 13Tues Feb 20
3Tues Feb 20Tues Feb 27
4Tues Feb 27Tues Mar 5
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