
Prof. Sybil Shaver MAT 2572 course policies Spring 2018

Class website: openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/shavermat2572sp2018

All notes, homework assignments, and other resources will be posted on this website.

To join the discussion board for this course: piazza.com/citytech.cuny.edu/spring2018/mat2572

email: profshaver@gmail.com (preferred)

or you can use my City Tech email sshaver@citytech.cuny.edu

Office: N724 Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 2:00-2:30 PM

General Information:

• Textbook: An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications, 5th edition, Larson and Marx (Pearson publishing)

• You will need a flash drive or cloud storage such as Dropbox for storing your programming files.

• You will need a three-ring looseleaf binder for organizing notes, printed textbook pages, and handouts

• You will need a calculator, preferably with statistics functions.

• You may not use a cell phone as a calculator or watch during tests. Cell phones may not be used in class: the ringers must be turned off and they must be kept out of sight.

• You will need a watch or small clock to monitor your use of time while working or taking tests


• It is very important that you commit to attending every class, arriving on time and staying until the end of the class. We will discuss many things in class which may not be in the textbook, and we will engage in activities designed to enhance understanding of the material. Attendance will be taken at the start of each class. If you miss any part or all of a class for any reason, you must make sure to master the material that you missed as soon as possible, preferably before the next class. (However, there is no real substitute for being in class!)


• Homework: All students are expected to work and check all routine homework exercises from the textbook. These are the problems listed on the Department course outline (assignment sheet) for this course. These problems will not be collected but they may appear as quiz or test problems, so it is important that you work them for practice. Also, you may receive extra credit toward your Quiz grade if you put a homework problem on the board in class or if you answer a student question on the Piazza discussion board.

• We will be using the R programming language in this class. It is specifically designed for use in statistical analysis. There will be a sequence of assignments during the semester and you will submit your work via the Piazza discussion board – details will be given along with the assignments.

• Quizzes: There will be a short quiz at or near the start of most classes (when there is no test scheduled). These will consist of problems similar to the routine homework or possibly taken from the homework. The lowest 10% of the Quiz scores will be dropped. No make-up quizzes and no extra time for latecomers. Solving problems on the board or on the Piazza discussion board can give extra credit.

• Tests: There will be 4 tests during the semester. Each test will be  approximately 60-70 minutes long, and will begin at the start of the class period. No extra time will be given to late arrivals. If you miss any of these tests, you will receive a score of 0 for that test. No make-up tests will be given. The lowest test grade will be dropped in computing your term grade. (In other words, if you miss one test, that is the grade that will be dropped.)

Computation of grades:

Quiz average:  5% of total

R programming assignments: 10% of total

top 3 of 4 tests: 55% of total

Final Exam: 30% of total

The final exam is a comprehensive exam, and is required in order to pass the course. Our Final Exam is scheduled for Wednesday 23 May

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