Author Archives: Alfaj

Snow Day Makeup- R assignment (Alfaj)

I chose the course ” Working with the RStudio IDE (Part 1)” as the assignment and I will briefly go over some of the things I’ve learned from this course.

There are many tabs and panes in Rstudio which can be a little complicated to be beginners. After getting through the basic installation and setup of the software, we quickly move on to learn different functions and codes in the Rstudio. By using examples we also learn the use of the many different tabs and their purpose.  This is as we are introduced different codes and programs. It is good to have the videos as we can go back and re-watch the videos if weren’t certain of the code or what it is asking for.

After completing the Orientation, we move onto programming in Rstudio. In the programming videos we are told about different features we can use in RStudio for programming including code diagnostics and and many keyboard shortcuts. We also learn sourcing scripts as well as finding errors and debugging the codes quickly.