Instructions for posting solution to the Final Exam Review problems

I am posting the remaining problems from the Final Exam Review, and there are also problems from the Proving Trigonometric Identities worksheet over onĀ Piazza.

Also, if I post an instructor solution or if I mark a student solution “good answer” (y, ou will see that an instructor has endorsed the solution), you should not enter or edit a student solution in either of those cases.

You may submit a student solution for a homework point to any one of the posted problem (if it has not already got a student Ā or instructor solution). Please follow these instructions: Either type in your solutionĀ using good Math notation as described in this OpenLab post, or else write up your work NEATLY and take a CLEAR and LEGIBLE photo and post it as the student solution. Illegible solutions or solutions which do not use the methods that we have used will be deleted and receive no credit. (You should put a bit of effort into this!)

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