Monday 20 March class

• Solving quadratic (and other polynomial) equations using the Zero Product Principle (section 4.8, up to Example 4 – here is a source which discusses factoring by grouping, also known as the ac method, for the case where the leading coefficient is not 1; and here is a video from Khan Academy showing it being done. Please make sure that you do this by the correct method I showed in class and which is shown in these sources, and in your textbook – DO NOT use the incorrect variation which some one may try to show you!)
• Solving certain types of quadratic equations using the Square Root Property (section 7.1)
The Zero Product Principle (or Property, or Rule,…):
If A* B = 0,
then either A=0 or B=0

In order to use the ZPP, one side of the equation must be 0 and the other side must be in factored form. See Examples 1-2 in section 4.8.

The Square Root Property (or Principle, Rule, …): for any real number k,

If  x^{2} = k,
then  x = \sqrt{k} or x = -\sqrt{k}.

In order to use the SRP, one side of the equation must be a real number and the other side must be written as a perfect square. See Examples 1-3 in Section 7.1. Next time we will extend this a bit.

• Review the two important rules above, and the examples we discussed in class (and others mentioned above). Make sure that you see how the ZPP and SRP are being used!

• Do the assigned problems from sections 4.8 (all of them) and 7.1 (up to #9 only) in the  Course Outline

• Do the WeBWorK: due by 11 PM Tuesday, start early!

Remember that you can use the Piazza discussion board to ask questions if you get stuck on any of the WeBWorK or the other homework problems. Please be as specific as possible about what you are stuck on and don’t forget to put the problem itself into your question, as we may not have the textbook with us when we go to answer it!

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