Wednesday 15 February class

• Solving equations with rational expressions by clearing the denominators (section 5.5) – I discussed Examples 1, 2, and 5 and we worked in pairs on the homework exercises 9, 13, and 17.

As we saw, when solving an equation which contains the variable in a denominator, it is necessary to check any candidate solutions to make sure that they do not cause a 0 denominator. Such “solutions” are not solutions of the original equation, and must be eliminated.

Rational expression
Complex fraction
Lowest common multiple (or Least common multiple)
Change to a common denominator
Clear a denominator

• Reminder: Make sure that you have done all the things in the checklist! (Should already have been done!)
• Review the examples and homework problems discussed in class. Make sure that you understand when and why we need to change to a common denominator, and when and why we clear denominators.
• Do the assigned problems from section 5.5 from the Course Outline
• Do the WeBWork – due by next Tuesday evening, but don’t wait to the last minute!
• Don’t forget that Monday is a holiday, so we do not meet.

Reminder: Please make sure to read this page on the WeBWorK policies for this class.

Remember that you can use the Piazza discussion board to ask questions if you get stuck on any of the WeBWorK or the other homework problems. Don’t forget to include the problem itself in your question, as that will make it easier for you to get a quick response!

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