WeBWorK and Piazza are ready to go! Instructions here. (Corrected for sure and tested!)

WeBWorK has been set up for this course. The WeBWorK is here. (This is the corrected link.)

Please follow these instructions: MAT1275WeBWorKinformation-Spring2017 in order to log in. After changing your password and entering your citytech email (if it is not already there), you may start on the Orientation assignment to get used to how WeBWorK works.

A common problem that occurs when people try to log in using iPhone is that there is automatic capitalization for the first letter when you type in your username or password. Check to make sure the capitalization is turned off (or turn it off) while you type!

Important: there are two people who areexceptions to the rule given in those notes as to how your username is formed. In general, the username is your first initial followed by your last name (or last names), all in lowercase, no spaces or punctuation.

The exceptions for this class are: There are two people who are brothers who both have the same first initial: your username is your entire first name followed by your last name, all in lowercase.

The following people need to enter their citytech email addresses in their WeBWorK User Information:

Edin Metovic

For all other students, your citytech email address is already there, so DO NOT CHANGE IT. You MUST have your citytech email in WeBWorK or the “email your instructor” will not work.

AFTER you’ve done at least 7-8 of the Orientation problems, you should start on the assignments which are due by next Tuesday evening 11 PM. Don’t wait to the last minute!


Also, for those of you for whom I already have citytech email addresses, an invitation to join the Piazza discussion board has been sent to you at that address by The Piazza Team. Please look for that invitation and follow the instructions to log on to Piazza, if you have not already done so. If you have already joined Piazza, there is no need to join again. (I will send invitations to the others once I have your citytech email addresses!


NOTE: The post for today’s class is delayed while I was working on getting this set up. Please look for it sometime tomorrow (Thursday).

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