Cooper Hewitt Museum

Ironically enough, this is my first time at the Cooper Hewitt Museum. This was an exciting day for me to finally make it to this museum with my busy schedule lately. This small museum held so much character to me, the layout and the interactive features were nice to see. It makes you realize that design isn’t purely a poster hung up. This chair, as seen above, is called the Savage Chair. Fully composed of found household objects and discarded items that Jay Sae Jung hand-wrapped in leather cord. I enjoyed seeing this chair because at first, I thought it was 3D printed and I wanted to find out how to get one for my future self! Finding out this was made purely of household items and other things Jung found discarded and then hand-wrapped was a surprise. It’s truly a beautiful design and looks so organic in person that you probably wouldn’t guess a human made it.

This poster by Faith Ringgold was also another one of my favorites. The message behind this poster is inspiring. The rallying cry for women in prison by calling for reform is admirable. Posters have always been a call to action for me growing up. Every time I encountered one was to rally the local people to change policies in New York or to call for a stop in an ongoing war overseas. The colors reminded me of the African American flag and that’s what caught my attention first.