Entry #3

Before I took on my new job responsibilities for my internship, I am the Production Assistant for my Exec. Artistic Director Jamel Gaines. We had an amazing opportunity to go to Accra and Cape Coast in Ghana for a performance! We left after our annual Black History Performance at BAM Fisher. We stayed there for 9 days, experiencing Ghana’s culture and then doing a cultural exchange between our dance theater and their national dance theater, as well as the local universities.

Making sure everything was running smooth with music and the visuals for the production was my responsibility, since the production was multimedia I was to make sure all of the pieces of media were cohesive and changed on cue. All of this had to be done manually, so I was on the projector and changing it like a slideshow while the Mr. Gaines was on the audio but we couldn’t see each other during the show but I have seen his piece about 50+ times in the last 5 years so it wasn’t too complicated to doing timing with each other.

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