Entry #6

My first task was to redo an old flyer of the companies and present it to our Executive Artistic Dir., I wanted to see what other dance companies are doing regarding their digital and social media posts for their presentations. I took inspiration from companies like Dance Theater of Harlem and Alvin Ailey. Usually when I need a moodboard for certain types of designs I head over to Pinterest for them.

There was one photo that the Director loved to use when it came to the Black History presentation so I started with that and designed around it. Doing this part was a challenge because the company doesn’t have branding guidelines, so I had to work with the logo and the font within the logo. I had give it my design twist while not making it look like a rip off of all the other flyers I took inspiration from.

Overall the final product looked amazing and my boss loved it. There are some people that like the older flyer better and I understand why but I wanted people to be interested in coming to see the show not knowing what to expect.

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