Individual strengths

My personal motto is to do the best that I can. I am very hardworking and will do whatever it takes to reach my goals. Even when faced with hardship and hurdles along the way, I pick myself up and work even harder to reach my end goal. I plan my activities like assignments and work schedule in advance so that I will have plentiful of time to work through everything and know what needs to be done in a timely manner. Whenever I am assigned a task to do, I make sure to do an exceptional job.

I strongly believe in not leaving things up to the last minute and to have an early head start to all my assignments, studying and work. Punctuality is of utmost importance and I am always early for work so that I will have adequate time to prepare myself for the day’s work. I believe that I work well in teams but am also independent and capable of working on my own. I am patient and carry myself professionally at all times.