Philosophy of Nursing

Nursing to me is not just a career or profession; it is a reflection of one’s self, one’s values and one’s beliefs. Anyone can study and become a nurse but, it takes much more than just brains to be able to function and be an exceptional nurse. Knowledge and skills can be taught and one can be guided along the nursing path. However, I believe that one cannot simply be taught on how to be a nurse. The desire to be a good nurse has to come from within one’s own soul and depth.

My nursing philosophy is that a nurse has to be a well-rounded individual who has to play various different roles as need. With the client as the main focus, I have to be able to wear different hats which can range from a care taker, an advocator, a teacher, a researcher, a counselor and a manager to simply just a listening ear. It can be challenging and taxing to juggle all these roles. However, I must never lose sight of why I became a nurse and strive to be the best that I can be for my clients and the community. With that being said, as a nurse, I have to be professional, vigilant, sensitive, compassionate, empathetic, knowledgeable, trust-able and proactive.

Being in the medical field, I understand the importance of continuing education. I recognize the fact that learning is a lifelong process and that I have to keep myself abreast with the latest research and information. Armed with the most recent evidence based knowledge, not only will my clients and community reap the benefits, it will also be valuable to my own self growth and self fulfillment. Learning never ends and I need to be open to learn anytime, anywhere and from anyone.

Time management and prioritizing is of utmost importance to not just nursing life, but to my own daily life as well. In addition, delegation is a vital and useful skill that I must wisely utilize so that I do not risk being over burdened. No matter the circumstances, I strongly believe that I should never neglect any client and must take it upon myself to treat every client with respect and dignity. I do not believe in any kinds of discrimination against anyone regardless of their race, color, culture, religion, language, sexual orientation or background. I must ensure that privacy is maintained at all times while the best care is being rendered to my clients and the community. Above it all, I must never be too proud to ask for a hand.