Community- Self Reflection


For my community health nursing class, my clinical component of the course was done at the Stein Senior Center which is located at 204 East 23rd Street, New York, NY 10010. A fast paced one month clinical, it was an absolute joy and a great experience. In this narrative self reflection, I will write about how I have fulfilled the nine clinical objectives.

Objective 1: Demonstrates individual professionalism through personal behaviors and appearance.
One of the most basic and easiest way that I demonstrated a sense of professionalism was by dressing professionally and being punctual for clinical. I also made an effort to carry myself professionally by being courteous and respectful to my classmates, professor, members and staff of the Stein Senior Center at all times. As a student and health care provider, I took it upon myself to take a hold of my own learning and to be proactive. When given a task, I put in all my effort and did the best that I was capable of. Before coming to class and clinical, I read up about the Stein Senior Center and the chapters that was to be discussed in class for that week. For clinical, I mentally prepared myself for the different activities that I was going to be involved with for that day and made sure to dress comfortably yet, professionally at the same time. I completed all the assignments on time and accordingly to what was asked. Whenever I was in doubt, I reached out and requested for appropriate help from my classmates and the professor. During clinical conferences, I actively listened to everyone and gave my input whenever possible. Every conversation that I had with the members were kept confidential. When I was discussing with my class about issues or conversations that I had with the members, I did not mention any names or describe any characteristics that would identify them.

Objective 2: Employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking when providing care to individuals and families in the community setting.
During my time at the Stein Senior center, I managed to talk with some of the members about their health, diet and any emotional issues that they had. That helped me understand some of their needs. For example, when a member had an elevated Blood pressure reading, I sat down with him and asked him questions about his health while maintaining privacy and confidentiality. He then informed me that he was angry at some issues that he had and that he had a few cups of coffee. Upon hearing that, I took the opportunity to reinforce the importance of relaxing and de-stressing one’s self and to cut down on his coffee intake. I also strongly advised him to see his Doctor immediately and to continue taking his medications. After that day, I followed up with him but quickly realized that he was a non-compliant client. Nevertheless, I still encouraged him to be more proactive with his health. Developmental, cultural, religious and spiritual influences play a huge part on a client’s health status. In order to find out more about those areas, I asked some of the members about their cultural background and their religion beliefs. It was interesting to hear how some of the members strongly believed that spirituality played a big part in their health. The clinical setting was not set out for me to do any thorough physical assessment on clients or to administer medications and treatments. Instead, I was able to chat with the members and give them appropriate medical advice. I was not able to utilize any medical records as well because there really was not any at hand. However, when in need, I did employ the help of my fellow RN classmates to collect client information. When working in the community, personal safety is important. While taking the blood pressure and doing my medication safety presentation, I made sure to safely do them.

Objective 3: Effectively communicate with diverse groups and discipline using a variety of strategies regarding the health needs of individuals and families in the community setting.
In life, it is very important to know how to effectively communicate. In the health care profession and the community setting, it is even more crucial because any gaps or miscommunication can result in undesirable consequences. The Stein senior center has very large diverse group of members. Taking that in mind, I made it a point to be culturally sensitive, friendly and polite at all times. I also listened attentively and showed that I cared. When dealing with hearing impaired members, I made sure to face them and speak a little bit louder and clearly. I also took them to a quiet area so that we could talk without any additional background distractions. For example, I had a member who did not have her glasses and could not hear properly. Therefore, during one of the presentation, I took her to the computer room and read out the pre test questions so that she could also participate in the presentation. During my own presentation, I made sure to face the audience and have good eye contact with them. When I took the blood pressure readings, I made sure to record all of them properly in the sheet that was given. Additionally, anytime that I had any abnormal blood pressure readings, I immediately reported that to my professor and Bob so that they would be aware and decide what to do next. For our service learning project, I constantly keep up to date with my classmates by communicating with them via e-mails, text messages, calls and in class.

Objective 4: Establish environment conducive to learning and use of a plan for learners based on evidence-base practice.
At the Stein Senior Center, my classmates and I did a presentation about medication safety. Because the target audience was older adults, extra effort was put in to ensure that the environment that the presentation was held in had minimal distraction. There was good lighting and a microphone was used so that everyone could hear us talking. An attractive poster board containing key information about our presentation was used and it was colorful, had pictures and large fonts that could be more easily read. Objectives and goals were set for the presentation and a pre and post test was given in order to evaluate the learning outcomes. At the end of the presentation, I calculated the statistics on the pre and post test questions. The questions were short, simple and true/false so that the members would easily understand them and be more inclined to answer them. Brochures were given out to reinforce what we taught. The members were also encouraged to ask questions.

Objective 5: Utilize information technology when managing individual and families in the community.
As a student, information technology was not really utilized to manage the members in the center. However, I used technology in the clinical to do research about the community, my presentation and our group project. I made sure to use trusted, updated websites and research studies so that my information would be reliable and helpful. I also emailed a trusted company so that they could send out brochures to me that would be distributed during our presentation. In addition, I wrote the pre and post test questions on the computer. None of the members’ names were ever used in any of my assignments and no identifying characteristics were ever described. When taking the blood pressure, I made sure to be sensitive and keep strict confidentiality with the clients’ records. The blood pressure reading and pulse was recorded behind the sign in sheet to maintain privacy and the paper was handed directly to Bob or Susan only.

Objective 6: Demonstrate commitment to professional development.
For my presentation and group service learning project, I researched and used up to date information in order to plan and provide relevant care for the members at Stein Senior Center. I also utilized my textbook to guide me along as I learnt more about community health nursing. Being in the health care profession means that learning will never stop. I have to constantly keep myself updated and educated about the latest trend and information. Not only will that be for my own good, but I will then be better able to serve others and have more knowledge and experience. Doing this self reflection paper is an excellent way to do a self evaluation on myself so that I can be transparent and aware of what I have or have not accomplished so far. It is important that I take some time and recognize what my weakness and strengths are so that I can improve myself professionally. I have learnt that there is a lot to being a community health nurse. Even though it is not an easy job, I should be able to be independent and work as a community health nurse as I expose myself more to the community health nursing area.

Objective 7: Incorporate professional nursing standards and accountability into practice.
Every company should have a mission statement that states the purpose of their company. In Stein Senior Center, the mission is to “To cultivate friendly relations among the members of the Stein Senior Center and the general public; to provide services with an emphasis on group growth; to share the strengths, and wisdom of senior citizens; and referral services, and to safeguard the health and wellness of senior citizens.” Therefore, in compliance with their mission statement and the American Nurses Association Standards, I kept my professionalism to the highest standard by being accountable for my actions. I was pleasant and sociable at all times to the members, staff, my classmates and the professor. When assigned to a task, I made sure to complete it to my best ability, safely and professionally while maintaining confidentiality.

Objective 8: Collaborate with clients, significant support persons and members of the health care team.
As a group, I collaborated with my classmates to work effectively and civilly on our service learning project and presentation. I communicated with my classmates and professor though emails, calls and text messages as needed. The topics for our presentation(fall prevention, DASH diet and medication safety) was based on the needs of the senior members of the community. While taking blood pressure of the members, I came upon a member who had a high blood pressure of 170/100 mmHg. I informed him that it was concerning to have high BP and educated him about the importance of seeing his Doctor and how high BP can lead to more serious adverse health effects silently. I further encouraged him to see his Doctor as soon as possible and to continue taking his medication. In addition, I made sure to inform the member to be aware of his diet, physical activity and daily BP. I informed my professor and the staff at Stein Senior Center about the BP and they advised me to tell the member to go to his Doctor at the earliest time.

Objective 9: Recognize the impact of economic, political, social and demographic forces that affect the delivery of health care services.
Due to the limited funding at Stein Senior Center, health care services are insufficient. There are no health care professionals around in the center and thus, when health care professionals like us go to the center, everyone is delighted. The members take the opportunity to ask us to take their blood pressure and ask us about personal health concerns that they have. Some of the seniors are financially unstable and there is a social worker in the center for any help that is needed. While talking to the members, I found out that a majority of them have a lot of questions about their medication but they often hesitate to ask their doctor or pharmacist about it. There is a lack of communication and relationship which causes a gap in the continuity of effective care management. I strongly believe that the center needs to have strong, regular ties with health care schools so that health care professionals can be around more often without hurting the center’s limited budget. As part of my clinical, I made it a point to be courteous, attentive and give the members any advice that was within my scope. When working in the community, a nurse has to be an advocate and look for appropriate health care resources for the community members.

Summary: My clinical at the Stein Senior Center for my community health nursing class has been a very interesting experience. As a nurse, it is essential that we know all aspects of nursing. This clinical setting and didactic setting has broadened my knowledge about the importance, challenges and perks of community health nursing. Community health nursing involves a lot of work and is extremely important in making a difference, no matter how small or big, in the community. Effective communication, forming close ties and relationships and networking are some of the crucial things that I have learnt is key in community health nursing. I have had the opportunity to employ and improve my analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills in this class. The service learning project was an excellent project that opened my eyes out to the grave significance of doing a community assessment. I am glad that I chose this site for, it was an enriching and remarkable experience.

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