Self-analysis of RNBS Nursing

Enrolling myself from the Associate program directly to the Baccalaureate program has been one of the best decisions that I have made. I have learnt a lot of leadership and management skills in the Baccalaureate program for which I am absolutely thankful for. By learning leadership and management skills, I have expanded my knowledge on the challenges and benefits of the management aspect of nursing.

The assignments that I have done throughout the program has enhanced my writing and research skills which I will carry with me and utilize as I go on to further my education in future. The writing intensive classes have honed my writing skills and made me a better writer. The research skills that I have learnt has helped me to further refine what I need to search for in a much more organized and timely manner. I believe that those skills will be tremendously helpful when I go on to pursue my Masters.

In addition, I am extremely glad to have had the exposure to certain areas of Nursing(like End-of-Life, urban and community) which has piped my interest. I realized that ever since I had the opportunity to learn about those areas of Nursing, I tend to relate more to such issues and research further when I read newspaper articles or watch educational videos. I also have had more discussions with my friends about health care issues and health care systems around the world.