
Hello everyone. Welcome to my professional e-portfolio. I am Susma Gurung, RN, AAS. In this Academic Career Portfolio, you will be able to take a look at some of my work that I have done while studying in New York City College of Technology. In addition, there are other pertaining information about my Nursing career like my experience, philosophy of nursing, strengths, resume and the likes.

Education has always been a very important part of my life. Coming from a third world country(Nepal), I feel extremely blessed that my parents gave me the privilege to further my studies regardless of anything that came along the way. I began my Nursing Journey in the Fall of 2012 in New York City College of Technology. To say the AAS Nursing program was difficult would be an understatement; It is by far one of the toughest and most rigorous program. However, when I graduated in June 2014 and passed my boards in August 2014, every single ounce of hard work that I put in, was worth it. When I officially became an RN in NY, it was by far one of the proudest and happiest moment of my life.

Right after graduating with my AAS- Honors, I enrolled myself into the Bachelor of Science- Nursing in the Fall of 2014 in New York City College of Technology. I am currently in the last semester of the program and my expected graduation is December 2015. I am extremely glad that I pursued my BS because I have learnt a lot of leadership and management skills which has opened my eyes to more opportunities in the Nursing world. In future, I want to pursue my Masters in an area of interest. Presently, I have quite a few areas that I foresee myself enjoying like End-of-Life, Community Nursing and Obstetrics and Gynecology. The wealth of knowledge and skills that I learnt in lectures and in my clinicals are something that I am immensely greatly for. I aim to carry everything that I have learnt and perfect myself as I step out into the real world of Nursing.

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