Objective: The objective of this experiment was to become familiarized with c programing language in order to understand how it is broken down into assembly language. In assembly language, any high level programing language such as c language is broken down into simpler terms for the processor to understand. Assembly is extremely close to machine language. With assembly you are able to observe how the information is transported from each of the registers in order to preform an action. In c language, it was possible to create functions in order to preform certain actions. These functions also included loops such as a while statement. However with assembly language, loops and functions do not exist. Instead, labels and jumps replace these. When the c program was converted to assembly, it was possible to see how all of the functions created were converted into labels. Each loop was also broken down into assembly processes which involved moving all variables in specific registers in order to complete the process. Jumps were used in these processes to provide controll to other parts of the prgrams once the loops satisified toe conditions needed to exit or execute the loop. Any text in the program was also converted into strings. Furthermore, by completing the experiment, it was possible to see how HLA was used to provide further insight on assembly language.
Code: Below is the c language code used to generate the assembly language code.
#include int roman(){ //Integer for do while loop int myX; printf( "Roman. Enter value for conversion: " ); scanf("%d", &myX); //printf("x is %d", myX); //Conversion for decimal to roman while(myX > 0) { if(myX>=100) { myX-=100; printf("C"); } else if(myX>=99){ myX-=99; printf("IC"); } else if(myX>=90){ myX-=90; printf("XC"); } else if(myX>=50){ myX-=50; printf("L"); } else if(myX>=49){ myX-=49; printf("IL"); } else if(myX>=40){ myX-=40; printf("XL"); } else if(myX>=10){ myX-=10; printf("X"); } else if(myX>=9){ myX-=9; printf("IX"); } else if(myX>=5){ myX-=5; printf("V"); } else if(myX>=1){ myX-=1; printf("I"); } } } int exponent (){ int i, j; int sum = 0; int exp; int base; int q; printf("Enter exponent"); scanf("%d", &exp); printf("Enter base"); scanf("%d", &base); q = 1; for (i=0; i< exp; i++) { sum=0; for (j=0; j<base; j++) { sum=sum+q; printf("sum = %d", sum); } q = sum; } } int subtract(){ int s; int m; int v; printf("Enter a value for m"); scanf("%d", &m); printf("Enter a value for v"); scanf("%d", &v); s=m-v; printf("%d", &s); } int addition(){ int r; int d; int f; printf("Enter a value for d"); scanf("%d", &d); printf("Enter a value for f"); scanf("%d", &f); r=d+f; printf("%d", &r); } int multiply(){ int j; int z; int y; int mul=0; printf("Enter a value for z"); scanf("%d", &z); printf("Enter a value for y"); scanf("%d", &y); do { mul+=z; j++; } while (j<y); printf("%d", &mul); } main () { int option1; printf("%s", "Enter 1 for roman 2 for multiply, 3 for exponent, 4 for addition,and 5 for subtraction:"); scanf("%d", &option1); if (option1==1) { roman(); } else if (option1==2) { multiply(); } else if (option1==3) { exponent(); } else if (option1==4) { addition(); } else if (option1==5) {subtract (); } else if (option1==6) { printf("Invalid option. Select a choice from 1 to 5"); } while(option1!=7); roman (); exponent (); multiply (); addition(); subtract(); }
Here is the code once it is compiled into assembly language.
.file “assemblyredo.c”
.section .rodata
.align 4
.string “Roman. Enter value for conversion: ”
.string “%d”
.string “IC”
.string “XC”
.string “IL”
.string “XL”
.string “IX”
.globl roman
.type roman, @function
pushl %ebp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
.cfi_offset 5, -8
movl %esp, %ebp
.cfi_def_cfa_register 5
subl $40, %esp
movl $.LC0, %eax
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
movl $.LC1, %eax
leal -12(%ebp), %edx
movl %edx, 4(%esp)
movl %eax, (%esp)
call __isoc99_scanf
jmp .L2
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
cmpl $99, %eax
jle .L3
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
subl $100, %eax
movl %eax, -12(%ebp)
movl $67, (%esp)
call putchar
jmp .L2
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
cmpl $98, %eax
jle .L4
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
subl $99, %eax
movl %eax, -12(%ebp)
movl $.LC2, %eax
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
jmp .L2
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
cmpl $89, %eax
jle .L5
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
subl $90, %eax
movl %eax, -12(%ebp)
movl $.LC3, %eax
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
jmp .L2
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
cmpl $49, %eax
jle .L6
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
subl $50, %eax
movl %eax, -12(%ebp)
movl $76, (%esp)
call putchar
jmp .L2
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
cmpl $48, %eax
jle .L7
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
subl $49, %eax
movl %eax, -12(%ebp)
movl $.LC4, %eax
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
jmp .L2
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
cmpl $39, %eax
jle .L8
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
subl $40, %eax
movl %eax, -12(%ebp)
movl $.LC5, %eax
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
jmp .L2
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
cmpl $9, %eax
jle .L9
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
subl $10, %eax
movl %eax, -12(%ebp)
movl $88, (%esp)
call putchar
jmp .L2
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
cmpl $8, %eax
jle .L10
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
subl $9, %eax
movl %eax, -12(%ebp)
movl $.LC6, %eax
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
jmp .L2
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
cmpl $4, %eax
jle .L11
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
subl $5, %eax
movl %eax, -12(%ebp)
movl $86, (%esp)
call putchar
jmp .L2
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
testl %eax, %eax
jle .L2
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
subl $1, %eax
movl %eax, -12(%ebp)
movl $73, (%esp)
call putchar
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
testl %eax, %eax
jg .L12
.cfi_restore 5
.cfi_def_cfa 4, 4
.size roman, .-roman
.section .rodata
.string “Enter exponent”
.string “Enter base”
.string “sum = %d”
.globl exponent
.type exponent, @function
pushl %ebp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
.cfi_offset 5, -8
movl %esp, %ebp
.cfi_def_cfa_register 5
subl $56, %esp
movl $0, -16(%ebp)
movl $.LC7, %eax
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
movl $.LC1, %eax
leal -32(%ebp), %edx
movl %edx, 4(%esp)
movl %eax, (%esp)
call __isoc99_scanf
movl $.LC8, %eax
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
movl $.LC1, %eax
leal -28(%ebp), %edx
movl %edx, 4(%esp)
movl %eax, (%esp)
call __isoc99_scanf
movl $1, -12(%ebp)
movl $0, -24(%ebp)
jmp .L14
movl $0, -16(%ebp)
movl $0, -20(%ebp)
jmp .L15
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
addl %eax, -16(%ebp)
movl $.LC9, %eax
movl -16(%ebp), %edx
movl %edx, 4(%esp)
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
addl $1, -20(%ebp)
movl -28(%ebp), %eax
cmpl %eax, -20(%ebp)
jl .L16
movl -16(%ebp), %eax
movl %eax, -12(%ebp)
addl $1, -24(%ebp)
movl -32(%ebp), %eax
cmpl %eax, -24(%ebp)
jl .L17
.cfi_restore 5
.cfi_def_cfa 4, 4
.size exponent, .-exponent
.section .rodata
.string “Enter a value for m”
.string “Enter a value for v”
.globl subtract
.type subtract, @function
pushl %ebp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
.cfi_offset 5, -8
movl %esp, %ebp
.cfi_def_cfa_register 5
subl $40, %esp
movl $.LC10, %eax
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
movl $.LC1, %eax
leal -16(%ebp), %edx
movl %edx, 4(%esp)
movl %eax, (%esp)
call __isoc99_scanf
movl $.LC11, %eax
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
movl $.LC1, %eax
leal -12(%ebp), %edx
movl %edx, 4(%esp)
movl %eax, (%esp)
call __isoc99_scanf
movl -16(%ebp), %edx
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
movl %edx, %ecx
subl %eax, %ecx
movl %ecx, %eax
movl %eax, -20(%ebp)
movl $.LC1, %eax
leal -20(%ebp), %edx
movl %edx, 4(%esp)
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
.cfi_restore 5
.cfi_def_cfa 4, 4
.size subtract, .-subtract
.section .rodata
.string “Enter a value for d”
.string “Enter a value for f”
.globl addition
.type addition, @function
pushl %ebp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
.cfi_offset 5, -8
movl %esp, %ebp
.cfi_def_cfa_register 5
subl $40, %esp
movl $.LC12, %eax
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
movl $.LC1, %eax
leal -16(%ebp), %edx
movl %edx, 4(%esp)
movl %eax, (%esp)
call __isoc99_scanf
movl $.LC13, %eax
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
movl $.LC1, %eax
leal -12(%ebp), %edx
movl %edx, 4(%esp)
movl %eax, (%esp)
call __isoc99_scanf
movl -16(%ebp), %edx
movl -12(%ebp), %eax
addl %edx, %eax
movl %eax, -20(%ebp)
movl $.LC1, %eax
leal -20(%ebp), %edx
movl %edx, 4(%esp)
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
.cfi_restore 5
.cfi_def_cfa 4, 4
.size addition, .-addition
.section .rodata
.string “Enter a value for z”
.string “Enter a value for y”
.globl multiply
.type multiply, @function
pushl %ebp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
.cfi_offset 5, -8
movl %esp, %ebp
.cfi_def_cfa_register 5
subl $40, %esp
movl $0, -16(%ebp)
movl $.LC14, %eax
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
movl $.LC1, %eax
leal -24(%ebp), %edx
movl %edx, 4(%esp)
movl %eax, (%esp)
call __isoc99_scanf
movl $.LC15, %eax
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
movl $.LC1, %eax
leal -20(%ebp), %edx
movl %edx, 4(%esp)
movl %eax, (%esp)
call __isoc99_scanf
movl -16(%ebp), %edx
movl -24(%ebp), %eax
addl %edx, %eax
movl %eax, -16(%ebp)
addl $1, -12(%ebp)
movl -20(%ebp), %eax
cmpl %eax, -12(%ebp)
jl .L21
movl $.LC1, %eax
leal -16(%ebp), %edx
movl %edx, 4(%esp)
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
.cfi_restore 5
.cfi_def_cfa 4, 4
.size multiply, .-multiply
.section .rodata
.string “%s”
.align 4
.string “Enter 1 for roman 2 for multiply, 3 for exponent, 4 for addition,and 5 for subtraction:”
.align 4
.string “Invalid option. Select a choice from 1 to 5”
.globl main
.type main, @function
pushl %ebp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
.cfi_offset 5, -8
movl %esp, %ebp
.cfi_def_cfa_register 5
andl $-16, %esp
subl $32, %esp
movl $.LC16, %eax
movl $.LC17, 4(%esp)
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
movl $.LC1, %eax
leal 28(%esp), %edx
movl %edx, 4(%esp)
movl %eax, (%esp)
call __isoc99_scanf
movl 28(%esp), %eax
cmpl $1, %eax
jne .L23
call roman
jmp .L30
movl 28(%esp), %eax
cmpl $2, %eax
jne .L25
call multiply
jmp .L30
movl 28(%esp), %eax
cmpl $3, %eax
jne .L26
call exponent
jmp .L30
movl 28(%esp), %eax
cmpl $4, %eax
jne .L27
call addition
jmp .L30
movl 28(%esp), %eax
cmpl $5, %eax
jne .L28
call subtract
jmp .L30
movl 28(%esp), %eax
cmpl $6, %eax
jne .L30
movl $.LC18, %eax
movl %eax, (%esp)
call printf
movl 28(%esp), %eax
cmpl $7, %eax
jne .L29
call roman
call exponent
call multiply
call addition
call subtract
.cfi_restore 5
.cfi_def_cfa 4, 4
.size main, .-main
.ident “GCC: (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) 4.6.3”
.section .note.GNU-stack,””,@progbits
Screenshots: The image below displays the program once it is executed. Unfortunately the system begins to hang when an output is needed for display.