Lab 0

Lab Description:

The purpose of lab0 was to get prepared for lab exercises and submissions. The lab required to complete several tasks, which first was to create an ePortfolio where  labs are expected to be submitted. Inside the ePortfolio, a new page dedicated to the course including sub-folders added for each lab exercises. Next task was to install all the necessary requirements to the PC, which includes the Java JDK from Oracle, and the Eclipse IDE. Lastly, a “Hello World” java program is to be written, and running using Eclipse IDE.

Making ePortfolio in OpenLab was fairly simple as following instructions, as well as creating a new page for the course. For installing all softwares, I went on the Android Developer website and downloaded the Android Developer Tools (ADT) Bundle for Mac. The bundle included

  • Eclipse + ADT Plugin
  • Android SDK Tools
  • Android Platform Tools
  • Latest Android Platform and System Images for the Emulator

Obviously, the Java JDK must be installed prior to ADT. (

Making the first “Hello World” java program was very simple and straightforward, thanks to autogen in Eclipse IDE and detailed instructions in Lecture 2. Now I understand that we should first be doing the “Hard Way” and not rely on the autogen in Eclipse IDE. Therefore, I’ve observed the lines and typed all from scratch.

Source Code:

public class HelloWorld {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		System.out.println("Hello World");


Lab 0_Output

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