Prevention Program


Our facility believes one of the best ways to solve a problem is by helping to prevent that problem from occurring. The geriatric community often deals with thoughts of suicide and for this reason our facility runs a group called ” Say NO to Suicide”. “Say NO to Suicide”is run by one of our counselors with her Masters Degree in Counseling, and a 10 year experience with suicidal patients and running prevention programs.

“Say NO to Suicide”  is a program that will allow us to help those individuals who have had or having thoughts of suicide. We will advocate for them throughout the community based on what we believe the individual will need. As their community counselors we are obligated to advocate for our clients, therefore we will seek the help they need. For example, a mentally ill patient who continues to have suicidal thoughts may need to be connected with a psychiatrist and be prescribed medicine to help with the chemical imbalance in their brain. The chemicals imbalance that affects people with depression are serotonin and noradrenalin. The staff member will ensure that the clients get adequate time to meet with their therapists to be able to talk and get that emotional support they so desperately need. As their counselors and case managers, our goal is to always have patient centered care and always put them first.


If you have any questions about our prevention program “Say NO to Suicide”  please contact us at (212) 689-4598 ext*982