Referral Programs

Our Case Managers and Director work closely with each individual to ensure they get the proper care they deserve. In our Referral Programs we help clients get the services and resources that they need in order to help them lead better lives.

Some of our services include:

  • filling out paper work required for Social Security
  • advising them how to get Access- a- ride services
  • health care help/ questions about who to see
  • referrals to different doctors
  • Medicaid/ Medicare  eligibility
  • housing/ home care placement
  • reduced- fare metro-card application help
  • translation services

Our goal is to be able to connect our clients with the best care possible and to be able to help them achieve some independence with various services that are out there.220px-AccessARide_logo


For more information about our Referral Programs please contact us at (212) 689-4598 ext *389.